Point Store Makeover
Did you know that we have over 300 items available to redeem in the Puzzle Point store? All of those icons, backgrounds and wallpapers were getting a bit cluttered and it was getting harder and harder to find the unique item that you were looking for.
To make everything more organized we just added new category and filtering options to the left navigation bar. You can now easily filter by the item type and category to find the perfect item to redeem.

Want a new flag icon? Or how about getting back to nature? Hungry for a food icon? Whatever your taste or style, the new filter and category options make it easy to find exactly what you are looking for.
Happy redeeming!

c4j does and outstanding job
thank you

I love working on the puzzles. As I've sort of stated earlier, I don't like just little parts of things that could be interesting if we could see the whole of the thing. Also, no secret, I love the landscapes.
Since I earned enuf points and found my "star" icon, I am completely happy with it
(silly as it may be) and really doubt that I will ever want to change it.
I really appreciate this site and send thanks to the person/team who provide it. It gives me hours of pleasure and escape from a lot of ugly news and reality.
Thanks again,
Pat Knaak, (aka Starrphyre)
Kingman, Arizona

It is obvious from the comments column that one individual would like to get in contact with another individual with out their contact information being available to all.
Can Crazy 4 Staff figure out a way ??

Emma - Crazy4Jigsaws Staff
Hooky - Thanks for your suggestion! We'll certainly keep it in mind for the future.