Italian Arch Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Online jigsaw for free of an arch. This natural arch is located on the east coast of Capri island in Italy


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Oct 17, 2019
Amazing natural rock formation. Great puzzle!
Feb 12, 2018
Very pretty
Jun 23, 2017
I would love to see this in person!
Mar 25, 2017
Beautiful picture. Loved doing it. Only place I've been in Italy is Rome which I loved. Lots to do there and either things were closed or not enough time.
Feb 15, 2017
The arch is enchanting.

I have never been to Italy, but I find the language quite beautiful, especially in the song "Time to Say Goodbye."

For those of you who have never heard the song, it's on YouTube. You can just type the title in YT's search and it will come up. Impressive is Lexi Walker's performance.

Have an enchanting day, this day after Valentine's Day!
Feb 15, 2017
Love that song. Bought it for my mother--with the woman who was the original Broadway star of Phantom and the blind male opera singer. Both names escape me at the moment. Got one--Bocelli.
Mar 7, 2017
Sara Brighton, I believe, is the lady's name. The two made the song popular.
Mar 7, 2017
Now that you mention it, vmarie, I think it's Brightman...but you have a better memory than I do!
Mar 11, 2017
You may be right, pixipixil. I know the performance is on YouTube, but I didn't bother looking it up.

Have a great day!
Mar 11, 2017
You too. Might listen to the youtube of them. I don't have the cd. My brother dumped it when he cleaned my mom's house out.
Mar 12, 2017
Just listenend and went on to hear Phantome with Banderras (who knew he could sing? ) and Brightman. She hits an e natural above high c at the end. There was a time when I could do that. No more. {:-(
Mar 13, 2017
Sounds as if you were and partially still are quite versed in vocal music. I enjoy singing, but my ear isn't developed enough to distinguished between a C and an E. I tend to be contralto myself, so high G (the space just above the treble staff) is about as high as I get. Once, though, I had to sing a B-flat, just below the C and somehow I managed! I guess it's all a matter of practice. I believe you could rejuvenate those vocal chords to once again sing that high E. Blessings!
Mar 13, 2017
I didn't find Phantome with Banderas, but I did listen to Barbra Streisand with Antonio Banderas - Take Me to the World, which is kind of a documentary with commentary by the singers.
Mar 13, 2017
I went to college for a music degree nd majored in voice. I was already mid 40's and the vocal coach was amazed at how high my voice reached. I practice almost daily but like all singers my range has dropped and contracted.
The phantom one is in Spanish titles so you have to sort of guess what phantom would be in Spanish. They sing it in English tho.
Feb 15, 2017
My neighbour's dog, who lives behind me, has found a way in to my place. She came in early this morning and I called her owner who works locally. There were a couple of palings off the fence which need to be mended in my neighbour's yard. Ended up my neighbour's father came up and got the dog ( he lives about four houses down) and fixed the fence. Imagine my surprise when I opened the front curtains and she was sound asleep in my outdoor room. Apparently she has found another way to escape lol. She is a King Charles Cavalier Spaniel and a really sweet little dog, and once she gets into my place, it is all fenced, so she cannot get out. However, she has investigated my pot plants and tried to repot one of the plants!!! Not good lol.

God bless and take care. Hugs.
Feb 15, 2017
Our neighbor's cats do that. Often they'll sleep on our front stoop. (Fenced yard doesn't stop them.) More often they'll hide in the bushes to ambush the birds at our feeder.
It is developing into a wildlife sanctuary. We have a resident skunk and have had a marmot under the cement steps up to our front door and more recently a doe and her Bambi. They ate up 2 huge arborvitae in back.
Once, when living in the Catskill mountains, we awoke to a small group (not enough to be a herd) of the neighbor's cows in our yard heading towards our vegetable garden.
That was definitely emergency phone call time.
I love animals but not the bugs they bring with them--especially deer flies and fleas--nor the damage they do to plantings thar cost much sweat and loving care not to mention money.
Feb 15, 2017
Sounds like a sweet dog who loves you very much. After she has an understanding about the potted plants, that is.
Feb 15, 2017
Aussie, I'm sure your reference to your "pot plants" means POTTED plants?
Feb 15, 2017
She has investigated your pot plants? I'm guessing that you mean potted plants or is there something about you that no one knows about?
Feb 15, 2017
Hahahahaha! Yep, trynfindit, I noticed that, too! Here in Colorado, that has a whooooooole new meaning!
Feb 15, 2017
They are just called pot plants here I didn't even consider that there could be another meaning to that. Hugs.
Feb 15, 2017
Lol yeah I went out for breakfast with friends a few weeks ago. I looked at the menu online. It was suppose to say potato salad and it says pot salad. Have a funny story about duck apple
Feb 15, 2017
I don't know, aussie - "pot" plants could be an additional source of income for you!
Feb 15, 2017
At least I have learned through this site not to ask for pot plants if I holiday in north America lol. You're a strange lot and isn't this site educational wheeeeeeeee. Hugs.
Feb 15, 2017
You guys are out there, Never even thought of that.
Feb 16, 2017
I new what aussie meant, but it was fun to gently tease her.
Feb 16, 2017
I agree! In Colorado we are teased constantly about legalizing marijuana. Just because it's legal does NOT mean we all use it! I'm on enough prescription drugs, why on earth would I want to add another??? :)
Feb 16, 2017
Feb 16, 2017
I am arranging to send you all pot plants for Christmas :) Hugs especially to Aknan. How did the surgery go?
Feb 17, 2017
Sent you an email on that - it was a successful test and he'll have the second test next week. If that gives the same results, he'll go for the permanent fix!
Feb 17, 2017
OK you two, now you've got my curiosity up. aknan, what's up?
Feb 17, 2017
Tryinfindit, my Dearly Beloved has suffered from excruciating headaches since 1973. The procedures referred to involve deadening the nerves in his cervical vertebrae. This is a test procedure and it resulted in an 80% reduction in pain and has lasted over 24 hours now, when it was supposed to be 8 - 12 hours. As per FDA protocol, he'll have another test done and if it is as successful as the first, the doctor will burn out those nerves, which should give him a year or more of relief.
Feb 18, 2017
Aknan, thank you for letting me know. If I'd had any sense I would've remembered that you had mentioned that in another post and we were all praying for your hubby and for you. I need to get out my butterfly net and catch my brain the next time it flies through.
Feb 18, 2017
Aknan - That sounds like radio frequency ablation. I hope that it works.
Feb 17, 2017
A pretty tourist attraction for Italy!!!!!
Feb 16, 2017
This puzzle looks so peaceful and resting! With my crazy schedule, I wish I was there, instead of here!
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