Artisan Sandwich Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free jigsaw puzzle to play online of a sandwich. The sandwich is made with fresh olive and cheese bread.


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Oct 15, 2018
Interesting/// looks good...never heard of one before....
Apr 29, 2017
Looks delicious, but leave off the olives. Don't like them.
Apr 11, 2017
Almost time for bed, not sandwiches, but this really looks good.
Mar 2, 2017
Looks like cold pizza slices with lettuce in between. I think I'd take out the lettuce and heat that before eating it.
Lots of wind today. It doesn't look like the really bad stuff will get up to us. Whew! Hope not anyway.
So sorry for all of you that live where there are tornadoes. I don't know how you sleep at night.
Wishing you calm weather.
Mar 2, 2017
I sleep with ears open. LOL. My first summer in Missouri, a tornado touched down just 2 blocks from our house. Years later, with kids, hubby worked nights, and I made sure the kids' shoes were right by their beds and each kid knew which sibling to grab in an emergency. I prefer hurricanes to tornadoes, having grown up in the northeast.
Mar 3, 2017
I live in the northeast and with hurricanes you get plenty of warning. Our biggest worry are ice storms since we aren't coastal. Once coming home from college (at age 46) in a moderate rain I was less than five minutes from home and a small hill had frozen and nobody could get up. I was supposed to pick my son up from after school and I had no cell phone in those days (over 25 years ago). There was snow on the ground although the roads were clear but with heels on I couldn't hike home. I had to beg a person in the house by the hill to let me call the school. They grudgingly let me and it turned out my husband had gotten our son. When the sander got there the driver took one look at all the pickups that had tried and failed and turned around. He had to back up the hill so he could spray the sand on the road ahead of the rear of the truck.
There was no ice on the drive home except this spot. The wind was hitting the surface just right.
Even so, I'd never trade with you. We looked into retiring in areas that get tornadoes but never got serious because there was nothing that "spoke to us." I liked parts of Arkansas and Texas but in those days--15 years ago, they hadn't become so prevalent or violent. I'm thankful we never moved.
Mar 5, 2017
I agree, pixipixil. This sandwich appears quite unappetizing. White bread is fine once in a while, but I prefer rye, pumpernickel, or multigrain. There is way too much bread in this sandwich compared to the filling. But the lettuce looks delightful.
Mar 6, 2017
I'm a rye bread fan myself, retirenow.
Mar 2, 2017
Looks so yummy and so healthy!!!

"Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted."
John Lennon

We tend to get what we expect.
Norman Vincent Peale

Hope anyone in the path of those terrible tornadoes is safe and well.

God bless all of you. Hugs.
Mar 2, 2017
We had stormy weather and a few small tornadoes in my area. One was on the other side of town from where I live and in the next county. One was just over the river (my city sits on a river) in another state. There were more Southern states.
Mar 2, 2017
Where do you live? I live on the Gulf Coast in Alabama and we had a strong storm come thru about 10pm last night
Mar 2, 2017
Debbie, we vacation in the winter in Orange Beach, AL. Is that where you are located? We had a tornado come through Gulf Shores in January and it wiped out the little zoo there. All good now fortunately. Now we are back home in the mountains of Colorado......deep in snow!!!!
Mar 2, 2017
A long walk from you Debbie, I am in Australia, but lived in North America for eight years. Hugs.
Mar 3, 2017
Debbie, I live in Cincinnati, OH
Mar 4, 2017
I live in Mobile Al. It is a little over an hour away from Orange Beach. I remember the tornado. We have had some crazy winter weather here. It is in the upper 30s this morning and will be in the 60s in a couple of days!!!
Mar 3, 2017
Ummmm, now I'm hungry!
Mar 3, 2017
Yum! !
Mar 2, 2017
Bread is fuccia (not sure of spelling) Olive loaf maybe. So light and fluffy. Sweet.
Mar 2, 2017
Yes the bread is foccacia with olives in it Have even made homemade bread.
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