Buttons Poured Out Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 10, 2022
Really difficult puzzle, but I got it done.
Oct 5, 2020
This puzzle was my version of a nightmare while awake! Lovely colors was its saving grace, LOL! I hope all of you have a lovely day. We finally have sun and very cool temperatures....perfect fall day. Blessings to all.
Oct 11, 2020
Agree about the nightmare. If it's really difficult I like to (at least) end up with something interesting or pleasing. This is neither! It was a challenge --- and that is good for all of us.
Oct 12, 2020
Very true, JAMP 124!
Oct 5, 2020
Not easy, but colorful. Going to the vet this morning to talk about one of my cats--want to get l-131 (thyroid) treatment. Vet still operating outside with people so will prove interesting! More tomorrow. Have a good day. Very gloomy outside today.
Oct 5, 2020
Good luck with your cat. Let us know how the "outside visit" with your vet goes....very interesting way to be safe during COVID. Blessings!
Oct 6, 2020
Talked to my vet yesterday OUTSIDE! He said for me to contact the "cat center" which I did and she called me back. My appointment for Tabby is October 27th and have to be there by 11 am--about a 2 hour drive. Will be there probably 2 days and then have to go pick her up. My niece is going with me. Might have another visit to my vet for more tests before I go.
Oct 7, 2020
The girl at the cat center said she couldn't get in touch with my vet, but she sent me all kinds of info which I have printed out and am taking to my vet tomorrow morning so he knows what he has to do and if I need to bring Tabby for more tests before the 27th.
Oct 7, 2020
My cat had the I-131 treatment last November, and I'm so glad we had a cure for him. He has gained back the weight he'd lost and is happy and healthy again (age 15) Good luck with your cat!
Oct 7, 2020
Good luck, elijah. This has to be very worrisome for you.
Oct 8, 2020
Calling my vet tomorrow morning to schedule for at least the T4 test. Hopefully he will send the last results he had for her to the "cat center". It is very worrisome because I am having to do some of the work that the vet should be doing! All I need is cooperation from him. I really like him but it's aggravating when you end up doing some of the work he should be doing.
Oct 8, 2020
That is for sure, especially with the fees that go with a vet visit. I sincerely hope everything goes well for your cat.
Oct 8, 2020
Just heard from the "cat center". They received the last blood tests that were done and the doctor will review them and get back to me. Have scheduled an appointment for Tabby for Oct. 19th for any more work that has to be done. Maybe not, but the "cat center" will let me know. Her appointment is for the 27th.
Oct 5, 2020
I like this kind of puzzle. The size of the buttons are perfect for making this a challenge but not a torture.
Hope you are happily challenged today.
Oct 5, 2020
I hope you, also, have a happily challenged day, pixipixil.
Oct 6, 2020
Thank you nborchardt. How was yours? I went to get a curbside p/u of bags of garden soil and had to help the person load them. Instead of a strong young man they sent out a petite young woman who couldn't do it herself. I could see her struggling so I offered to help. I really didn't have to do more than steady the cart but the whole point to my way of thinking is that you get to stay in the car while the product is put in the trunk for you. Disappointing. The young woman was so nice. I get very nervous when I have to shop. I try to get online delivery stuff but sometimes it doesn't work out.
Oct 7, 2020
It was lightly challenged and that was enough for me! If you are supposed to just stay in your car while they load your order, that is what is supposed to happen. How disappointing, but how nice to have a cheerful person trying to do the job.
Oct 8, 2020
Yes, it was.
Oct 7, 2020
My longest solve time in a very long time!
Oct 6, 2020
Oct 5, 2020
A tough one