Beautiful boat interior. Looks brand new. I see girders outside the right window so it's probably docked but what is out the front? It's so blue and shadowy it almost looks under water which of course it can't be. I think I see a tiny American flag after zooming I think not. Is it the deck of a huge carrier? Is this a captain's cabin for something that big or a yacht in the same harbor?
Wishing you wonder today.
Pixi, I think the image is a reflection on the front window glass of the superstructure of a fishing boat's radar housing.
Jun 12, 2017
I never thought of that, not being much of a boater myself. I have a cousin who runs (owns) a fishing boat for hire but we rarely see eachother. We don't even exchange Christmas cards. I only know about it because my now deceased aunt who was a nun lent him the money to buy it and he never repaid her she told me.
When we lived in Toronto, Ohio, we loved to watch the large paddle-wheel boats traveling along the Ohio River between New Orleans. Louisiana and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Wishing you wonder today.
Take care you beautiful souls. Hugs.
God bless you all and may He guide your course and lead you far from troubled waters.