I have got this puzzle and have completed in with great pleasure. It is not one of the best. I prefer greeen and sunset scenery beside flowers and small farm animals. Still, it I great therapy for me having had a stroke back in 2006.
I am on a great deal of medication that affects my cognitive abilities. I also find puzzles to be good therapy and helps keep my mind somewhat sharper. nlb
Jan 26, 2015
Dear nibuchana, like you I am also on many medical. I do suffer from mental illness since 16 years of age. I have been jigsaw puzzling as a very young age. Like you it is good therapy and it also helps tremendously in keeping my brains and low vision working following two stroke in 2006. It is very relaxing and most rewarding and very challenging indeed. Keep up for you are doing great. God bless.
Jan 26, 2015
Thank you for the encouragement, Corrina52. I also have a form of mental illness - depression. Without my medication the combination of depression and constant pain would kill me - literally! With God's help and the marvels of modern medicine, I live a mostly contented life. I started doing jigsaws with my father, as a child. Since I've been doing them here, I can't seem to take the time to do one from a box. I need that "instant gratification" God bless you too. nlb