Cash Register Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free jigsaw puzzle online of an antique cash register. The cash register has buttons with letters and numbers.


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Sep 26, 2018
I don't remember cash registers quite this old, but I do remember when the cash register didn't tell you how much change to give. You had to figure it out for yourself. That was quite awhile ago.....
Mar 2, 2018
I remember these! I guess that shows my age! Not an easy puzzle to do, but it brings back memories!
Aug 6, 2014
Love it!
Jun 11, 2014
Do remember using these way back when!
Jun 3, 2014
My Mother worked retail for the S.S. Kresge Co. and these were the type of registers they had back then in 50's. Remember them well.
Jun 3, 2014
Don't tell anyone, but I remember using the vacumn type thing that you sent to the office when I worked in local department store in high school. It also had wood floors, funny the things we remember.
Jun 4, 2014
I've used them too in a department store called Otto Brothers here with a wooden floor that creaked with every step you took. I almost forgot about the vacuum type pay feature and wooden floors until you mentioned it. Yes, it is interesting things that come back to us.
Jun 4, 2014
I'd forgotten that my mom also worked for J. C. Penny for a number of years...I do remember after the built a new store there with an escalator that my son managed to turn it off and we were asked to leave the store. He was under 5 at the time.
Jun 5, 2014
Oh no......wasn't funny then, but it made me chuckle. I was in the very first Penny's store, I think in Wyoming, when we were driving across country to the state of Washington. My hubby was in the Army stationed at Ft. Lewis, Washington. What a long trip that was from WV to WA back in 1967. The Penny's store here at the time, was across the street from the Kresge's Co. my mom worked for. Both gone now. Kresge's are now K-Mart's. Penny's still hanging on.
Jun 5, 2014
We actually have a Penny's in Moore, don't get in there often. Just had a call from sister in law and they will be thru here on Father's Day and will stop for a visit, will be going home for their kids homes in the Dallas area. She said we can all have a kid free day., they have 6 grandchildren under the age of to visit but only for a short time.
Jun 6, 2014
Oh how wonderful they are stopping to see you. Where do they live? I know you told me, but can't remember! Know what you mean. 6 under the age of 8 can be quite hectic! :)
Jun 7, 2014
Applecookie...(Albuquerque). When they first moved out there for VA, their son was just learning to talk and that is what he called it...
Jun 7, 2014
How cute. That is so adorable. I will never forget that. My uncle lives there, I must share that with him. He will love it!
Jun 5, 2014
Thank you for the challenge. I can't remember ones that looked THAT old, but there WERE the the old-time cash registers that they used before the CURRENT ones.
Jun 4, 2014
Wow! This machine was made in the days when they took real pride in their products. I'll bet it still works today as well as it did on Day 1 of its existence.
Jun 4, 2014
Very pretty. Very rustic:) I remember them:)
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