I do quite a lot of192 Tessellation but not for awhile. I decided it was time on this one. I don't race the clock. I start a few then go back and work on them some more. It took two times to finish it. Not telling the time. I have a system with this cut. I take each cut and put them in a certain section of the board. Then I find two that match and set them aside, etc. then match two and two together too make four. I doesn't take any time then to put them in the frame I had done first. It is fun that way but this was a challenge. There is no way I would just start finding one piece at a time on the cut. There are a couple other cuts I divide up also but this one works the best. You are right JAMP124. I do 1 harder one then an easier one. I don't do all the daily ones. I don't care for a lot of sky or grass but I do them with an easier cut.
It took me my first year or so to come up with that. I'm not that good but just like to take my time and enjoy it come together. Also talking to people and reading everyone's comments. I enjoy getting to know people and their stories and them responding back. I had a problem that I had to ask C4J and they responded and I told them they had a good thing going because most puzzle games they are just puzzles.
A suggestion --- When selecting two puzzles for each day, please don't put two inanimate objects at one time --- such as blocks and umpty-nine pencils!!! One or the other is OK! The other could be a person, place or flora or fauna, etc.!!!
"Life is like a bicycle--in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving." Albert Einstein