Colorful Beads Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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This is an online jigsaw puzzle of colorful beads in a blue ceramic bowl. The beads are wooden and painted in bright rainbow colors.


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Jul 13, 2024
Pretty bunch of beads.
Jun 1, 2020
Baubles, bangles and bright shiny beads. Believe this was a lyric to a song. Fits this puzzle.
Jun 14, 2023
----and it must be sung with "Bippety, boppity, boo!!! "

----and "I'm from Boston and I like Boston Baked Beans
and the Bruins! "
May 24, 2021
No sure what these beads are used for. In my opinion they look too big to be a necklace or bracelet. It's late and my brain is not working well enough to figure it out.
Dec 16, 2022
Hi micki! How are you? These are wooden beads for children to string when they are little. they're big and easy to thread, usually with a stiff rawhide "rope, " no needle needed. They make awful necklaces, but my kids loved to make them for me when they were little and I happy wore them all!
Dec 19, 2022
Thanks for the sweet info. Your kids were lucky to have you for their Mom.
Dec 16, 2022
This bowl fits perfectly in the 57 oval cut, like it was made for it!
Jul 16, 2019
Pretty beads!
May 2, 2019
These puzzles today took some extra time. Neither one was easy!

"That which you create in beauty and goodness and truth lives on for all ttime to come. Don't spend your life accumulating material objects that will only turn to dust and ashes." Denis Waitley
May 2, 2019
Good Morning to you & all! This has a terrible week rain, lightening, & tornados (14) this week:it's not over yet.
Had hair appt. Tue (w/rain) & today have a dentist appt. today for cleaning & check. I just try to get on my computer only when there is not lightening. We have one of the weather radios & when it goes off I shut down & go down until it's over. So far we are doing fine but I not getting my all puzzles done.
May 3, 2019
I have been thinking of you. Just try to stay as safe as you can. I know it's very scary! I am always thinking of you when these storms roll thru your area.
May 6, 2019
This is the day that a tornado F5, was on ground
on the ground for 38 miles and was just a few streets North of us. We could the roar at our house. We were in the closet under the stairs.
May 6, 2019
That is very scary. At least when we have hurricanes we have time to evacuate. How much damage did it do on the streets near you? Not much I hope. Just try and stay as safe as possible.
May 6, 2019
Think it was 20 years ago, but I still remember it.
There was nothing let just debris left it when we could get to where we could see it. I had to miss work for serval days because could get around
the path it took. I worked N. of where we live & when I finally it took us 45 min to get to where I worked & it was only 2 miles north of us. The other F5 was south of us also about 2 miles south of us. That is the one(F5) that took out our daughter's house & our granddaughter was at one of the schools that 5 children were killed in.
That was on May 20. Very long day! I also was given several days off work to help her to help her recover what was left. Her older daughter was at her house & she was with us under the stairway closet with us. We could hear it's roar too.
May 6, 2019
I will be praying for you, Cat Lady. Tornados, hurricanes, raging fires and massive flooding seem to be the norm in different areas of our great country. I do not see how anyone can not see climate change and global warming as reality. Just follow your safety protocol and keep your cell phone charged and on your body. Prayer helps calm the mind in times of trouble.
May 6, 2019
Up late last night, lots of lightening & rain. I usually try to be downstairs if there is lightening, but we also have two weather radios one upstairs & one down that keep us updated, plus the TV.
May 7, 2019
Last night a big tree limb in front of my house and my neighbors house. They mowed the lawn today and now the limb is in the street. My nieghbor is going to do something when he comes home from work. We had no electricity for 5 hours and 1 1/2" of rain.
May 8, 2019
Wow...just got home from Dentist one side is dead will have to go in on 21st to get new lower crown, also have filling on the upper side and they are both on the left side. We won't have storms until night & they are suppose be severe all night long. Will probably stay downstairs on a cot.
May 9, 2019
Our town arborist came this moring and said the tree could come down and I wouldn't have to either give the town money or plant some new trees. Will start calling tree people tomorrow and get some bids. Then have to talk to my neighbor since I told him I would split the cost of the tree with him. I know about crowns. I don't like them and they are expensive. Take care.
May 9, 2019
Crazy weather here overnight in 40's & only in the 50's today. Yes getting trees out & new ones in can be expensive. Had one that had to taken down, still not put one in yet. Have a great day!
May 14, 2019
Changed again...a/c back on will be in the 80's!
May 15, 2019
Had about 1 1/4" rain this afternoon in about 1/2 hour. Couldn't even see across the street. Now just a bit cloudy. If you do Facebook, go to my site--real name and you will see what came down. Waiting for a guy to come to give me an estimate and then have to talk to my neighbor since it is on his property, but said I would split the bill with him. I have my air on becaise of the humidity.
May 15, 2019
The maple that we had to taken down was about 30 feet high & the stub was about 2 1/2 dia. not cheap to have it cut down. It was one of the small tornados that pulled on one of the large limbs off it.
May 16, 2019
For the tree in front, will cost $750. which we will split the cost. However, the tree in his back yard that is HIS, will cost about $1500. Glad it's not mine.
May 3, 2019
Until I saw the close-up, I thought they were giant jellybeans!
May 15, 2019
I thought the same thing! Great minds think alike, you know!
May 13, 2019
Never strung beads as a youngster. Guess I was too busy playing outdoors. Never went in until Mom turned on the porch light which meant "come in for supper". This was in the summer. Winter was skating or sledding.
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