Free jigsaw puzzle of a collection of colorful dreidels, a four sided spinning top. Dreidels are traditionally played with during the Hanukkah holiday.
Happy Chanukah! First candle was lit last evening (as our "days" begin at sundown the previous evening! In case some don't know and are interested....the Hebrew letters on the dreydle stand for Nes Gadol Haya Saham- it means A Great Miracle Happened There (meaning Israel) In Israel the last letter/word is Po which means "here". It was a gambling game originated when we weren't allowed to study Torah and the Greeks would come around to manke sure no one was- when the Jews heard the Greeks coming, they would hide their studies and take out the dreydle and explain that they were just playing a game! Now, we play it during Chanukah and use pennies, candy, etc. To "bet" with!
Thank you for all the info. I knew they had to do with Hanukkah, but not all the rest. To learn something new is always good. And thank you C4JS staff for giving us this puzzle and Have a Happy Hanukkah.
Dec 9, 2012
Thank you for explaining the "gambling game" as I had not heard that part of the story before. It's always interesting to hear how other nationalities have formed their traditions.
Marilyn G
Dec 9, 2012
Very interesting! I never knew anything except had been told it was a "children's game". Thank you for sharing this, Lydiagintn!
Dec 9, 2012
Thank you for the information, I love to learn about different religeous practices.
Dec 9, 2012
Thanks for the lesson, Happy Chanukah!!
Jan 14, 2015
thank you for the information
very interesting
Marilyn G
thank you for the information
very interesting
I enjoyed it and it is a fun puzzle
And thank you for the information. Something new.