Crocheted Fabric Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of a crocheted blanket. The blanket is made with colorful yarn.


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Jun 25, 2024
That is some beautiful crocheting. I love the colors. I did a lot of crocheting when I was young. I did a lot of wonderful things when I was young. Not so much now. But I still have fun! On a much slower scale.
Jun 26, 2024
You made me giggle lilbc77. I also did a lot of things when I was younger, and like you I crocheted. I did a beautiful afghan almost identical like the one in this puzzle. Yeah, I'm a lot older these days, but I volunteer at my local library which keeps me involved and active. Continue having fun Hon.
Jun 25, 2024
Much easier than I thought --- once you have them sorted!!!
Jun 25, 2024
That is so pretty. Looks so dainty