I challenged myself to do this again. I find reflections difficult --- although if you separate them from the "real thing" ---- you're off to a good start.
Once we camped at one of the campgrounds at the Okeefenokee Swamp and, unbeknownst to us we camped right next to a deer run from the woods to the water. So twice a day the herd of deer ran right past our campsite on their way down to the water and then back to the woods in the afteroon. Fantastic!
What a lovely picture of these deer! Nature just has the most beautiful scenes and most of the time we are too "busy" to notice.....and it is a loss to us. Take time to just look around us at trees, squirrels, and sky. I guarantee you will be smiling and your heart will fill with love. Blessings to all!
We had a bird bath in the yard outside our kitchen window. It was sturdy stone --- and a squirrel came everyday for a drink! One day I was watching him from the window and I must have moved and the movement caught his eye. Every day after that he jumped up on the bird bath and looked at the window to see if I was there!
Sep 27, 2023
LOL! We have many squirrels in our yard and they are extremely alert, especially when my little Yorkie, Frodo, goes out......a few of them are bigger than he is!