Desert Track Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of a desert. Tire tracks can be seen in the sand and two cars are off-roading.


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May 26, 2020
Mystery one but very beautiful.
Apr 27, 2020
I have always loved the desert.
Jan 16, 2019
Reminds me of White Sands National Park. When we were up on the dunes it felt like we were on the moon. Could see nothing but sand and sky. A treasured memory!
Jan 17, 2019
We went to White Sands 20 years ago. My parents drove us to see it when we visited them in Arizona. They are deceased and lived in Sierra Vista (down south). My brother recently moved to a Phoenix suburb so we still go ou there but won't be going to White Sands again. It was a long ride even from the southern part of AZ.
Jan 17, 2019
Did you go to the space museum nearby? The photomart lost my pictures from it, but I did get the White Sands photos. Oh those days before digital!
Jan 17, 2019
Fascinating place! Good memories of that part of the country. One year my husband and I had a two week trip to Arizona. Another year two weeks in New Mexico. We found that a good way to do it and appreciate each one on it's own.
Jan 17, 2019
Beautiful sunset
Jan 17, 2019
RELAXING winter scene!!!!!!
Jan 16, 2019
If that's sunset, the passengers in those cars going into a near trackless desert are suicidal. Those don't even look like the right kind of vehicles for that sort of driving. I don't think that's water they are heading towards as it isn't reflecting the sky.
If I live long enough and stay healthy I want to rent an off road vehicle and explore the Grand Staircase Escalante area. Maybe next year. This year we have other plans.
Wishing you all happy plans.
Jan 16, 2019
I Think the cars are small but sturdy and tuff! Maybe they are allmost up on a highway soon and the sun is setting and the air is cooling...Pardon my Spelling, it is terrible!! Dear Pixi, be safe - big hugs from Sweden.
Jan 17, 2019
Thanks ninanita. Big hugs to you also. Anyway can't really give a hug without sharing one, right? Are you getting toms of snow like they are in Austria? We are having the third least snowy winter on record so far. I'm no longer skiing so no snow is fine by me as long as there is enough by spring to keep the flowers and trees healthy.
Jan 16, 2019
Beautiful pi0cture!

God bless you all.
Jan 16, 2019
Jan 16, 2019
Elijah you are right, this is so beautiful. Don't know which is prettier, the sky or the desert. You be safe and take care.
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