Dog Using a Washboard Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 17, 2022
Cute little dog. Fun puzzle.
Jan 28, 2021
A homemaker's work is never done!
Nov 13, 2020
Oh, I could have certainly used this little "dog-washer" when I lived in Honduras. I hated washing clothes on a washboard! Never underestimate the beauties of an automatic washer....clothes or dishes!! There's my words of wisdom for today. Have an outstanding day of joy, laughter, and blessings!
Nov 16, 2020
I agree, nborchardt! I washed many a pair of jeans on a rock washboard or simply rocks in the stream. Love my washing machine & dryer!
Nov 16, 2020
I may have missed it, but where did you live that you used rocks in a stream to wash your clothes?
Nov 18, 2020
It was when I was living/hiking across Europe in the early 70s. I could't always afford campgrounds - I was living on $50/mo - and found secluded spots to stay. Couldn't live that way now, that's for sure!
Nov 19, 2020
What an adventure! My dream has always been to see Europe and now I don't think that is possible. I am 71 and the legs don't move like they used to.
Nov 20, 2020
Aknan Sounds like you had quite an adventurous life. I've never been out of the US and not too many states. Got married at 18, had 3 boys and finally settled in NC.
Nov 20, 2020
You too sounds like you have been around like aknan.
Nov 20, 2020
Nborchardt Wrote on your reply but it went down below my comment to aknan. It may again.
Nov 22, 2020
Got it.
Nov 13, 2020
A little bit early but thought some of you might enjoy this -

{Christmas 2020}
By Hazel King
It's a time we remember
Our dear Saviour's birth,
Let's bring back the joy
To all on this earth.
Let's stop and ponder
The wonder of it all,
Forget political correctness
Listen for His call.
Remember the star in the sky
Leading the way
To the babe in the manger
Who came here to stay,
To teach and love us
And give us the hope
That all will be better
Give us strength to cope
For whatever befalls us
As we go through our day,
He will never leave us
We just need to pray.
As Christmas is near
Remember his birth
And how much he loved
Everyone on this earth.
So let love prevail
No teardrops employ,
Love one another
And bring back the joy.
© No 669 – 13 November 2020
Nov 16, 2020
Nov 16, 2020
Amen, aussie. Beautifully expressed. Love & hugs to you.
Nov 16, 2020
What a beautiful and fitting poem for this crazy year we've had. May you have a Blessed day.
Nov 16, 2020
Aussie --- thanks for sharing that beautiful thought.
I may share it with one of my church groups when I do the devotions.
Nov 16, 2020
Aussie, this beautiful! I need to print this out and read it till I have it memorized! That might take awhile with my memory (! ), but I would like to recite it for my family when we "Zoom" on Thanksgiving or Christmas. We all need this encouragement especially after a year like this one!
Love and hugs to all!
Nov 16, 2020
Thanks Jamp and JoyceRogers I would be happy and honored for you to use it. Loving hugs.
Nov 16, 2020
Yes we do need some joy right now. It has been a rough year and it won't be over for a long. time. I think back not so long ago how we could go along our merry way and it came to a screeching halt. Who knew. My son was visiting from Seattle when he got a call about what was happening in the hospital he works in. I want to share this with our pastor and friends. I know it will give them peace. Thank you for this.
Nov 16, 2020
Beautiful poem. Thank you for sharing Aussie.
Nov 16, 2020
Thank you mamag - hugs.
Nov 17, 2020
You are all so beautiful and encouraging something I need at the moment. Thank you. Loving hugs.
Nov 16, 2020
Cute dog.
Nov 17, 2020
Hi! I need count on.

"On my cat's of playthings, I rank just below the curtains and a ball of string. - unknown"

"Curiosity killed the cat,
Satisfaction brought back! - English Proverb"

" Kittens are good for your heart, soul and mind. unknown"

Have a Great Afternoon and Evening to YOU and ALL!
Nov 13, 2020
I like flowers, landscapes and things. Think I'll go shopping for one of those again. Yesterday I ended up on the Wave--a rock formation in the Vermillion Cliffs of AZ. It helps me feel I didn't completely give up this year's trip plans. I love the southwest.
Hope you all have ways to cope with disppointment. Got any good tips?
Nov 16, 2020
Get lost in a good book.
Call a friend --- to check up and chat.
Cook something you've never made before.
Write a letter to a long lost friend -- or anyone you miss.
Go back in Random Puzzles and find one you like.
Do a Mystery Puzzle!
Nov 16, 2020
Thanks Jamp. All good ideas some of which I already am doing.
Nov 16, 2020
VERY CUTE!!!!!!!!!
Nov 16, 2020
"I wonder how I got this chore! "
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