Felt Crafting Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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This free jigsaw puzzle shows all the supplies needed for crafting toys and other objects from felt, yarn, and polyester filling. Felt is a soft and versatile material that retains its shape well, perfect for children's toys.


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Feb 2, 2025
The classic cuts are always a big challenge for me. Pitiful score. I still do some mending, but that's about it for sewing for me. When I was a teenager, I made almost all of my clothes. It was the only way to get something new.
Mar 31, 2022
A lovely puzzle. Just loved the colors and the crafting supplies laid out.
Jan 14, 2022
Off of work and enjoying a good puzzle. It feels so relaxing.
Aug 16, 2021
Wonder what the finished toy will look like. I have no concept of artwork.
Oct 21, 2020
Not too hard. Should have an x-ray this morning but not sure if I will go or not--I have a ITU that is very painful. It's for the Kidney doctor so I really am going to go.
Try to have a great day!
Oct 21, 2020
Good luck, elijah.
Oct 21, 2020
Oh, I remember those days whenI was getting infections every month no matter what I did or didn't do. A urologist gave me a prescription that I take 3 times a week and no more infections. Good luck, elijah!!
Oct 22, 2020
Am calling the urologist this morning. It seems to be getting worse. The prescription Centra Care gave me is not working. Have a 9:30 appt. tomorrow but will tell them to make sure he looks at the x-ray and then calls me. I am sure its probably the kidney stone.
Oct 22, 2020
If you have a urinary tract infection and you got ampicillin I can concur the infection will return. I had to use macrodantin to get rid of it.
If you have something more than just an infection I can only say here's prayer you get the help you need.
Oct 22, 2020
I am so sorry, elijah! My brother-in-law had those and he was miserable. I hope they get you in right away. Prayers being said. Take care.
Oct 22, 2020
Went to my appointment. Still have the pain but he said he would refill the prescription I had got at Centra Care when I needed them. Did'nt have many left so called his office and they are ordering me refills of them.Going to dinner at 5 pm--will just forget the pain.
Oct 23, 2020
I hope you will better!

"I may claim that is "mine, " but no one truly owns a cat. They simply loan themselves to us as long we keep up the payments. - unknown"

Have a Great Day!
Oct 23, 2020
Great truism about cats. Have a blessed day CatLadyOKC!
Oct 26, 2020
My mom had a UTI that turned into sepsis. It wasn't bothering her much, but it was there a long time. She finally went to the doc for it and got tests, then, surprise! They sent an ambulance for her when the test results came in.
Oct 26, 2020
Nborchardt I have been fighting an infection about a year. Tried several medicines and doctors. I am having a terrible time with urologist. Two of them sent me to the hospital. The second time a doctor gave me an infectious disease doctor to see. Do you happen to know the name of the pills? A couple people have mentioned there was a medicine that you could take all the time and I wouldn't have to worry about it all the time. Hoping this specialist knows one. Going next week. I have been paralyzed for 27 years and I have a hard time to get satisfaction with some doctors.
Oct 26, 2020
Interesting this subject has come up. I have had a bladder infection starting about a year ago. Have seen several urologist and other doctors. Two told me to go to the hospital. I thought urologist was suppose to deal with this. No medicine has lasted. Some things I have read here has made me nervous because I had no idea it may be something else. The last doctor I saw told me to go to an infectious disease place. I am making an appointment tomorrow. Hope I can get in soon. I don't have any pain because I have been paralyzed for 27 years so now am nervous what is going on.
Oct 27, 2020
Here is the name of the medicine I take
"nitrofurantoin macro" 50 mg capsule.This is what has worked for me. I started out taking it every day, and now I take it 3 times a week. Good luck, it has worked for me, and that's all that I know.
Oct 27, 2020
Still have pain. Another x-ray tomorrow. Several days behind on puzzles. This is an x-ray of the thoracic spine. Will see what that shows.
Oct 28, 2020
Thank you nborchardt. I hope the doctors can find something that works. I'll let you know what they say.
Oct 21, 2020
I'd like to see the finished products!
Oct 22, 2020
Agree - it could be practically anything at this point.
Oct 27, 2020
I also agree...would love to see one of the toys from this layout.
Oct 22, 2020
Pretty colors for fall.
Oct 21, 2020
The colors for Autumn
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