My stupid little town fathers, in all of their "wisdom", decided to install "group" mailboxes. There is one two houses from me, but I'm not allowed to use it. I am assigned to one 'way up the block. Bless my neighbor who brings my mail when he goes for his. I'll bet the Pony Express did a better job of delivering mail than our current-day US official goons. Lately I have received four separate pieces of mail addressed to other people with addresses on a different street. Boo hiss!
That would be annoying Starrphyre! We live in the country, so our mail gets delivered to a mailbox at the end of our driveway. I hope that doesn't change.
Mar 18, 2016
We still have separate mail boxes--there are 2 together on the same post at the end of our driveways. We have a wonderful mail girl. Love to talk to her. We have good conversations. I guess we are lucky!
Mar 18, 2016
We have those annoying "group" mailboxes too...ugh! If anything ever happens to my husband, I'll never get any mail...I don't even know what our box number is! As it is, he only brings the mail in once every one to two weeks. It's all just bills and junk mail anyway. You'd think when the box was full, the mailperson would bring it to our door, or at least let us know it was full, but noooooo, they just stuff more in so that it explodes when you open it! ;) Hubby has made lots of friends in the neighborhood by re-delivering all the mail we get for other people. I guess that's a bright spot!
Mar 30, 2016
At one time I received so many mail-order catalogs they piled up on my tiny mail slot's shelf until apparently there was no more room (according to the mail carrier.) The carrier left me a note that I'd have to go and get my mail at the post office! It is miserable with long lines and hateful clerks. It took about 3 months and a lot of phone calls to get the catalogs stopped. I didn't want them anyhow! I remember when mailmen were sweet. Sometimes when it was hot I would give them a soda pop or some iced tea. What a wonderful OLD world we lived in and didn't even know it then.
Mar 30, 2016
Starrphyre, we had the same thing happen to us and had to rent an extra post office box until we cleared up the junk mailings. That was 2 or 3 years ago and the volume of catalogs is still low.
Don't think we have the same mail carrier more than a month. (We get mail at a post office and have office delivery.) Perhaps that's why they're so stand-offish.
I reckon we are so fortunate this side of the Pond. Our mail is delivered directly to our door, as is almost every other persons mail. Some people will / have put post boxes by their main gate, which, and I can personally testify, is a blessing if the alternative is locked main gates and a long walk, or if there are Woofs around. Some neighbours who have a fence between their driveways have appreciated the job of their Postie and put a gate in the fence close to the house, for use by tradesmen, which is much appreciated and saves a lot of repetitive walking.
Very innovative mailbox. But how does the mailperson know if there is any mail to be picked up (no red flag visible). Must be the mail goes in the little slot (bigger stuff folded). The boxes and bags containing online purchases must go on a hook with bag that cannot be seen.
My stupid little town fathers, in all of their "wisdom", decided to install "group" mailboxes. There is one two houses from me, but I'm not allowed to use it. I am assigned to one 'way up the block. Bless my neighbor who brings my mail when he goes for his. I'll bet the Pony Express did a better job of delivering mail than our current-day US official goons. Lately I have received four separate pieces of mail addressed to other people with addresses on a different street. Boo hiss!
Don't think we have the same mail carrier more than a month. (We get mail at a post office and have office delivery.) Perhaps that's why they're so stand-offish.
As I say, at one time "I was that Postman"
"So many tangles in life are ultimately hopeless that we have no appropriate sword other than laughter." Gordon W. Allport
"It is bad to suppress laughter. It goes back down to your hips." ~Author Unknown
Take care and God bless. Hugs.
God bless you all.