Flowery Canopy Jigsaw Puzzle

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Aug 4, 2024
8/4/24 11:18 AM Where's everybody today? Miss hearing from all of you!!!!
Actually this jigsaw puzzle was a bit difficult for me. I went and played it twice and still took me forever. I'll blame it on lack of sleep last night!!!! Hope all the team of people are OK.
Thank you for jigsaw puzzle.
Aug 5, 2024
Thanks for your concern, Quickone2. As for me, I've been following the storm in Florida as I have family visiting in the pan-handle. I think the brunt of it is more to the east. I pray that everyone will be OK.
Aug 6, 2024
I also have a few close girlfriends in the area where the storm is heading. Pretty scary for sure. We lived there 1 year. I could not stand it and while there some storm called Earl rolled through and took off our screen to the swimming pool. Ended up having to have the entire screen and metal fasteners replaced. Heat & Humidity were killers. I ended up having heat stroke attack. That WAS very scary.
Aug 4, 2024
Lovely, but I don't think I'd get much sleep. Too busy.
Aug 5, 2024
Aug 4, 2024
Very romantic. Nice puzzle.
Aug 4, 2024
Pretty picture! May everyone be in a blessings mood today and spread joy, love, and hugs!