Fresh Orange Juice Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of a glass of orange juice. The juice is served for breakfast along with delicious croissants and fresh strawberries.


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Apr 2, 2020
This is a lovely scene for either a breakfast or a mid-afternoon tea, substituted with juice, freshly squeezed, of course!
Oct 3, 2017
Don't care for orange juice. Prefer grapefruit. Also like the peach--if it's from Simply. Love their juice products. Would have had better timing except was interupted by a phone call.
Feb 11, 2018
I did this puzzle as a mystery as well. We have the Simply Peach sitting in our fridge. Some orange juice and some grapefruit I really don't like. Some of them are too sour. I used to make smoothies with orange juice. Added honey and it takes like a dreamiscle. I like fresh squeezed juice much better.
Feb 11, 2018
Those two women that I used to drive I don't work with them anymore. One day the daughter called and asked me to go to lunch. Then she picks a day and says she has two appts. then says then we'll go to lunch. They now work an employee that clean the neighbors home across the street. Then this daughter thinks I'm stupid and believes everything she says....Nope!
Feb 11, 2018
Oops I believe
Feb 14, 2018
I love the "Simply" products. I have Simply Grapefruit and Simply Peach in my frig now.
Jan 24, 2020
Yum to Simply products. I like peach, both lemonades, and tropical (add rum to this one).
Jan 24, 2020
Looks like a nice light breakfast,
Jan 26, 2018
A good mystery today
Nov 9, 2017
A nice breakfast to wake up to!
Jan 13, 2017
As a kid I loved eating fresh oranges. My mother used the frozen juice in a can. I didn't really like that but fresh squeezed is a different animal.
Why is orange juice so yellow?
Look how big those strawberries are! They are sure growing them much bigger than when I was a kid.
My sister-in-law had a massive stroke. They have just decided there is no chance of rehab although initially she made a big improvement from no ability to move to being able to move one side.
She is unable to swallow and wants the feeding tube removed.
How they can tell if she can swallow with a tube down her throat is beyond me. She's going into hospice mode. She and her family could use your prayers.
Thank you all you sweet prayer warriors. I know you will come through for them.
Wishing you God's special blessings today.
Jan 13, 2017
Oh, pixi, I am so sorry to hear of your SIL's troubles. My prayers are with her and with you.
Jan 13, 2017
Prayers and thoughts for your sister-in-law as well to you and family.
Jan 13, 2017
You have our prayers, pixi.

Orange juice is so yellow because God likes it that way. Just as He likes for strawberries to be red. :)
Jan 13, 2017
Thank you so much aknan, needler and trynfindit.
Having gone through this with my mother I know how tough it's going to be on her children.
Jan 13, 2017
Trynfindit-you are right but I was wondering mostly why it wasn't orange like the fruit and skin.
Jan 13, 2017
How can they tell if she can swallow with a feeding tube? Years back my hubby had surgery and he was on a feeding tube. A special nurse comes into the room and does tests. My hubby had this test to see if he could swallow.
Jan 14, 2017
Pixi, it depends on the variety of orange. Some have juice that is more orange than yellowish.
Jan 14, 2017
Thanks for the info Carol & Trynfindit.
Have a happy weekend.
Jan 15, 2017
My prayers are with your sister-in-law and your family! I prayer that God's will be done and your family has peace in this situation.
Jan 15, 2017
Thank you, Olamae. That is all we can hope for.
Jan 16, 2017
My husband had a stroke, the Dr's said he would only live two years at most, he lived 16 years. You have my prayers and strength for you, I know you'll need it. God bless you.
Jan 16, 2017
So sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
Jan 16, 2017
Thank you Sept26 & Shorts. I will ask God to pass them on to the children who have come across the country to be with her and to her. She is a courageous woman and has suffered greatly thoughout her life. May God finally reward her as she deserves.
Jan 17, 2017
I will pray for your sister in law and her family. This lady knows that in her current condition a feeding tube will give her quantity of life, but no quality. After working in a state veteran's (nursing) home for 18 years, I would make the same decision. No one should have to suffer for years if they do not choose this path. Hospice provides a wonderful, professional, and caring service to the dying.
Jan 18, 2017
Yes, retirenow. I have lived through this with my mother who had a don't intubate in place as did my father. My sister-in-law is at the same impass as my mother whom the doctor advised me to let die which I did when it became clear she would not improve. Until one has lived through this and racked one's brain for a different outcome but found none, one cannot appreciate this decision.
Thank you for your prayers, retirenow.
Mar 3, 2017
I will add your sister-in-law to my prayers, you know the Dr. could be wrong, Since my thyroid operation my esopegus (sp) need to be stretched maybe they could this for your sister-in-law. God bless her and you for asking.
Mar 4, 2017
Hi Sept: I guess I have been neglectful. While I posted on the daily blog I didn't get back to this thred. My sister-in-law passed away in peace. I know she is very grateful for all the prayers you all offered on her behalf and will surely ask God to bless you all aas I also do. Thank you everyone.
Mar 4, 2017
Regarding oranges the Valencia orange is commonly used for orange juice. There is one brand that you can buy it in the store that's not from the concentrate - can. The brand is called Kennesaw. They make orange juice and grapefruit juice. The other one is Simply orange. Beware that Kennesaw o.j. I'd consume quite quickly. The juice can go rancid. You will know because it separates. One morning I made that mistake took a sip and went oh ewww lol
Mar 25, 2017
My prayers are with you and your SIL, my husband has a massive stroke, when I brought him home from the hospital the Dr;s said he wouldn't live more that two years, but he lived 16 years. Don't give up hope, prayer can work miracles.
Mar 26, 2017
I'm so sorry to hear Pixi and sept. I'm so irritated at someone I want to scream. I took someone to a travel agency to finalize their trip this summer. I waited for her and her mother in the lobby. I step out of that office for a few min. The mom comes and finds me - she says oh your wanted. I arrive back into the office and directed to where the daughter/mother are sitting with the travel agent. The daughter asks me infront of the travel agent if I can drive them to an airport. This would be a 4 hr. around trip for me. We will have a new puppy by then. I said that I'd have to put the puppy in doggy day care. Then I said I'd have to rent a car because mine wasn't big enough. The daughter replies oh I'll pay for a rental. Then she thinks I'm going to watch her dogs for free. Seems like she was trying to trap me into it. Then the daughter says to her mom infront of me - oh she knew - I replied I never agreed to watching the dogs. I sit down in the lobby and was in pain. These two women come to where I'm sitting and I'm in tears from the pain. The mom asks if I'm sick. I explain and said I'm in pain and the daughter starts to laugh at me - "oh that's funny". I said it's not funny - I'm in pain!
Mar 26, 2017
Just remember, "No" is a complete sentence.
Mar 26, 2017
You know Jesus doesn't expect us to be doormats,
carol. Tell those two in no uncertain terms you don't comsider their behavior appropriate for friends and you would prefer to break off with them. You don't need to be treated that way and shouldn't.
Mar 27, 2017
Ugh! I want to scream - today I was with two women that I help out. I drive and take them on errands and doc. appt. A mother/daughter - there going on a trip this summer. We went out for lunch today. At the table the daughter says to me "oh C you told me that you'd take care of our two dogs". I never told them that I'd take care of their two dogs. This trip that there taking is for one month. Then the daughter says to me during a phone call "oh c I'm gonna call you everyday to check on my dogs". Then one day the daughter says to me "Oh here's $30.00 for two days". Each day I'll drive them all day. I told them that I have to have surgery soon. I can just hear them - hubby will call them and say "Oh c's outta the hospital". The daughter will ask "Oh can c take me here". The daughter has even asked me to drive them to an airport - it's a 4 hr. round trip. We will have a new puppy by then.
Mar 28, 2017
Thanks Pixi - today I drove them again. I mentioned what happened to me when I was 5. One am I asked my mom if I can let the dog out. I let him out unleashed. The daughter starts to laugh again. I reply that's not funny because a few min. later he was hit by a car and died on the way to the hospital. I blamed myself for his death. Interesting how this daughter is always telling me that her mom is okay when she's not. A couple of weeks ago, the daughter says to me - can you take my mom to the OB/GYN they called and want to see her. Then the daughter says to me oh she has discomfort. I'm thinking oh I think there's something wrong an infection. I asked the mom questions to see how urgent it is. The mom comes out to the waiting room after being seen by the doctor. Tells me that she's put on antioboitic meds. I told the mom she MUST take her meds. The daughter was acting like her cell phone situation was far more important than her moms health. That's how I felt about it. I take them to get the moms meds and told them that the mom needs water and cranberry juice. They pay for the meds and on the way out of the store I mention about the juice. The daughter says to me oh I'm tired I'll get it Wednesday. This daughter booked an appt. for 8:45am on my bday. Her mom was sick one day and the daughter was trying to tell me she's fine. I told the daughter she isn't fine and needed to take her to urgent care. Result - mom put on antiboitics and cough meds. The daughter was telling me that day "I have people here at the house so you'll have to do this on Monday". It's the daughter not the mother. The daughter is just downright rude to her mother - even in public. The daughter said something to me today that just made my skin boil! Ugh! Don't know if the daughter lies or forgets!
Mar 28, 2017
Oops I just realized that I repeated myself.
Mar 28, 2017
I agree wholeheartedly with pixi, "you don't consider their behavior appropriate for friends and you would prefer to break off with them. You don't need to be treated that way and shouldn't."
Mar 28, 2017
Gee Carol, that's a really bad situation. I think you should call some sort of social service place and explain it to them. The mother seems to be unable to care for herself and the daughter isn't a good caretaker while you are going to end up sick from all this. Call social services and hac=ve them look into it.
Mar 28, 2017
Now I'm furious with the daughter. I brought over a potatoe dish and said this dish is for you two not your dogs. It has to be put in the fridge and your dogs can't have it because of the onions. Then the daughter calls me this am and says oh I had those potatoes for breakfast. I gave some to baby (dog) because you told me that they could have cooked onions. I told her what I really said and tried to get her to call her vet. Nope - she prolly didn't call. I've told them numerous times the forbidden foods. I came home and told hubby how I felt and he replies oh c you can't leave them stranded. They had an appt. - they rely on you and that's not fair. Many times I took them places and wasn't feeling well! I tell hubby "Oh I wish there was one soul on earth that cared about moi' (me in French). I did get a kick out of a neighbor because she called me Nancy Wilson. There's a famous singer back in the 80's with the name.
Mar 29, 2017
Carol, isn't there some kind of service where you are (I don't know where you live) that can pick up people who have no transportation and take them to doctor's appointments, etc? Most towns and cities have such a service. Those "friends" of yours are taking terrible advantage of you. You can still be nice to them but not end up being their slave.
Mar 29, 2017
They were using a taxi service. Another thing that annoys me is that the daughter called me and I said I'll have to take them to run an errand in the afternoon. Hubby had a doctors appt. she calls in the am and when I told her hubby had the call. She replies oh no you can't take me. She acts like I can change it knowing we only had one car. Then she calls me and says that she's stranded at a restaurant and she knows a ride home. She's been waiting for a cab forever. I pick them up and take them home. As soon as I pull into their driveway the daughter says oh c whadda doing you said that you'd take me to this location. That location was never mentioned. I head that way and state oh I need directions and she replies oh lemme call the woman. I was in the hospital in January and she calls hubby to take her to see a dog breeder. Jerry explained I was in the hospital and she replies oh can c take me? What really bothers me is that she's nasty to her mom in public. These two will aruge about petty stuff like who owns one of their dogs.
Mar 29, 2017
Carol, this is truly a toxic relationship and you should simply get out of it now. These people will quickly find another patsy to come at their every beck and call.
Mar 29, 2017
The daughter was sick and I had a strong hunch she was sick. She was coughing and I offered to take her to the ER or urgent care. Then she tells me oh I'll just be sicker? She kept saying oh I don't feel well so I'm gonna lay down. I told her I think she has an infection and that's why she doesn't feel well. I did finally take her to her doctor. I felt sorry for them one day and made the faux pas (foot in mouth) that I'd take them anywhere. Then there telling me that the taxi services are rude. I've tried to tell them why there rude. She brings her dog with them to their appts. and to the restaurant. I've said numerous times - have your dog or outside. They both will say no he can go on the wee wee pad. I've used the pee pads when their really young and then house break the puppy. I've always obedience train them and play with dogs. She doesn't play with them and gives them food that she shouldn't. What's hard for me is that hubby has told me to take them when I don't feel well. Then I had to go to the doctor yesterday and just told that I'm having two surgical procedures. I can just see it now that hubby will call and tell them that I'm home. She'll ask to be taken somewhere when I can't drive. I even made food for them because the daughter doesn't work or cook. She won't clean her house either. She's always asking me whose cheap regarding services. I made them food because she was sick and I didn't want her mom to do it. Her mom has a heart condition. When I'm with them I try and have the mom not lift a finger! I want to strangle the daughter because one day the mom consistently said I'm tired and dizzy and want to go home. The daughter said no we have to keep our appt. Then her mom was sick with lung infection and she's having her mom run errands with her. I told the daughter one day - your mom is far more important than your appt. The mom is 84 years old!
Mar 29, 2017
I'm sorry I'm usually more positive and now worried about my upcoming surgeries. We are getting a new puppy and am really excited! Was thinking of making a dish and freezing it so I can have while I'm recovering from one of my surgeries.
Mar 30, 2017
Carol, RUN don't walk from these people. As aknan said, they will find someone else to do their bidding. That daughter is a parasite (noun: an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense).

And I don't understand why your husband is so gung-ho for you to help them.
Mar 30, 2017
Mar 30, 2017
Yes I'm aware of the word parasite. I had to take biology in school. I started not feeling well in December. Backaches, headaches, and tummy pain all at the same time. My appetite changed as well. To even shower was a struggle but did it. This daughter would often make appts. very early in the am. Then she call me and say "Oh how soon do you think you can come up here. I told the daughter I would take them to one airport which is about 30 min. from here. The airport that this daughter talks about is 1 1/2 hrs. away. By then we will have a new puppy. The daughter knows that were getting a new puppy. I told the daughter when she asked me to take her to the Miami airport that I'd have to put the puppy in doggy day care. Then I told her I'm sorry I can't leave a puppy alone for 4 hrs. Then today the daughter gets in the car and tells me "Oh I didn't make reservations for the return trip beause you told me that you'd pick us up from the airport. I didn't make that statement to her. He tells me "Honey you have to go because this is your job". Then he says "Oh you can't leave them hanging". Then he tells me to get up and do it when I'm sick with a migraine.
Mar 31, 2017
I included the definition of parasite only for emphasis.

Carol, I'm shaking my head wondering why your husband is so bound and determined that you HAVE to slave to this ingrate (the daughter). I won't write what I'm thinking.
Mar 31, 2017
Is your husband a Christian? Remind him how Jesus reprimanded Judas for criticizing the woman who used the nard on Jesus' feet. He owes you kindnes much more than you owe it to those thankless women. Can you talk to your pastor about this to at least straighten out your husband?
Apr 1, 2017
These people's predatory use of your time and resources is inexcusable. But your complicity is also inexcusable. Do these individuals have Medicade? Then their acceptable medical transports should be covered if they can get it together to ask for transport within 48 hours of their need. These people are users who are making a fool of you. They are disgusting individuals. If your telephone indicates who the caller is, do not answer the call. They do not need your help, as God helps them who helps themselves first. We all love you, and do not want you to be used by these scum. Make no mistake, these people are using your weakness due to Christian faith.
Apr 1, 2017
Yes he's a Christian. Another thing I don't understand about the daughter is that I told her a few weeks ago that I had 2 appts. the 3rd week in March. They were very important appts. and I really didn't want to change them. Then this daughter speak to me and makes appts. the same date/time as mine. Then she tells me oh that company you referred me to showed up fraud on my credit card. I had used a company numerous times and was quite pleased with them. I'm not going to refer a company that would do fraud! Something happened today - so I wrote say what I'm thinking. I told the mother today how I felt about something this daughter did. I just mentioned to both of them today - Your lucky you still have your mother! I would love to spend 5 min. even on the phone with my mother and can't. I enjoy helping others out - but something happened today and the other day. What the daughter doesn't realize that it isn't just my car and gas - it's my time as well. There was something else that happened a few weeks ago. This daughter is going to be in for a real shock from me in the next day or two. Maybe I have more insight than this daughter. She asks me why mgrs. at a restaurant make comments about her dog. I tell her why and she tries to tell me that her dog is a service dog when it isn't. I told her one day that he isn't a service dog when she said it. I said it's not a service dog and she attempted to defend her claim. She thinks that a service dog and an emotional support dog are the same. She has a Maltese and he'll whine and bark when she brings him in public. An actual service dog I wouldn't have an issue. Then this woman tells me oh he's so good! I'm thinking oh really if he's so good then why is it that many places have an issue with her and/or that dog?
Apr 1, 2017
Carol, I have given all the advice I cthink of. Now it's up to you. I'll be praying for you.
Apr 1, 2017
Oh really my behavior is inexcusable? Ugh! Now I'm dealing with a migraine since I woke up this am. Yes I have meds for it which is prescribed by a doctor. Quite interesting that hubby and I saw this today. He chats with the two of them and then in the car he makes comments about me interacting with them. I'm trying to find another job and then he asks me what I'm doing on the computer. My head and my ear hurts. He acts like he's such good friends with them in person. Yes I stopped answering the phone when she called. Then she calls hubby on his phone. She said something to me one day which made me think about her emotional state. I'm annoyed with her and hubby!
Apr 1, 2017
Carol, listen to 'retirenow'. What he says, and the other advices you've been given, is 'spot on.'

You have no reason to feel guilty or cruel for shutting these people out of your life. If your husband thinks they need so much help let HIM do it - not you.

Free yourself from these predators.
Apr 1, 2017
Hubby told them today "Oh I think you should hire a caregiver. Then he suggested that they hire a pet sitter while these two are on their trip. We noticed that they quickly changed the subject. Maybe I'll take a trip while these two are on their trip. I should tell them that I have a new job.
Apr 1, 2017
Oh so now my actions are illegal and in the wrong? That's the definition of the meaning of the word simplicity. I've had severe migaraines almost daily, along with a backache daily. Then I'm about to have two surgical procecdures. Pain in both of these areas have been going on for 3 months. I don't do illegal behavior. They don't have Medicade that's for people who are poor. They have Medicare and these people probably have more money than moi!. Can't think of how many times I wanted to go off on my own vacation and cry out of frustration! I think I'll contact a family relative here. Hubby probably doesn't see it from my perspective! Now I'll move on! Goodbye!
Jan 13, 2017
Looks nice and refreshing, but lots of sugar and carbs :(

Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
Norman Vincent Peale

Good night and sweet dreams. Hugs.
Jan 13, 2017
I had the same thought Aussie- better to eat the orange and get the fiber than just drink the juice. Guess we're both in "New Year's resolution mode! "
Jan 13, 2017
I didn't realize how hot it gets in the summer in Australia, AS..Good thing you have an air conditioner in the bedroom. At least you can get SOME relief from the heat.
Jan 13, 2017
Lol xy - didn't make any this year, that way they cannot be broken lol. Hugs.
Jan 13, 2017
Hi PW, it is the humidity that is the killer. I keep a spray bottle full of water next to my chair and use it frequently. It helps a little, but not long before the humidity takes over. Hugs.
Jan 30, 2017
You know when to say, "Let us spray."
Jan 18, 2017
Love the picture
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