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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of a glass of orange juice. The juice is served for breakfast along with delicious croissants and fresh strawberries.
orange • juice • strawberries • croissants • breakfast • food • beverage
Why is orange juice so yellow?
Look how big those strawberries are! They are sure growing them much bigger than when I was a kid.
My sister-in-law had a massive stroke. They have just decided there is no chance of rehab although initially she made a big improvement from no ability to move to being able to move one side.
She is unable to swallow and wants the feeding tube removed.
How they can tell if she can swallow with a tube down her throat is beyond me. She's going into hospice mode. She and her family could use your prayers.
Thank you all you sweet prayer warriors. I know you will come through for them.
Wishing you God's special blessings today.
Orange juice is so yellow because God likes it that way. Just as He likes for strawberries to be red. :)
Having gone through this with my mother I know how tough it's going to be on her children.
Have a happy weekend.
Thank you for your prayers, retirenow.
carol. Tell those two in no uncertain terms you don't comsider their behavior appropriate for friends and you would prefer to break off with them. You don't need to be treated that way and shouldn't.
And I don't understand why your husband is so gung-ho for you to help them.
Carol, I'm shaking my head wondering why your husband is so bound and determined that you HAVE to slave to this ingrate (the daughter). I won't write what I'm thinking.
You have no reason to feel guilty or cruel for shutting these people out of your life. If your husband thinks they need so much help let HIM do it - not you.
Free yourself from these predators.
Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause, of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all.
Norman Vincent Peale
Good night and sweet dreams. Hugs.