Gift and Tea Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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flowerslily of the valleylilymacaronsteacupgiftpackage

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Apr 21, 2020
Love lilies of the valley.
Love surprise packages.
Love hot tea.
But I'd prefer a chocolate chip cookie!
Jan 21, 2021
I'm having hot tea as we do this puzzle....been sipping tea for over 80 years!
Mar 24, 2020
Went puzzle shopping today and decided on a beautiful watercolor of a caribou.
My birthday is coming up soon and I asked Jesus to help us find an already approved drug/vaccine that would defeat this virus quickly enough to get things back to normal by May.
Maybe you'd like to join me in praying for that? If we're asking for help it might as well be something super good.
Hoping your day is super good.
Mar 24, 2020
Have been praying for that daily, pixi.
Mar 24, 2020
Beloved Jesus the Christ, intercede on our behalf. Protect us from all harmful, mutating viruses. Help us to be kind to one another. May we have the abundance we need to fulfill daily necessities. We ask this in your name. Amen
Mar 25, 2020
My suicide group is doing a virtual group hug and praying for or another. So I am sending a virtual group hug and praying that the government will get together and figure this thing out. Right now there is so much panic and uncertainty. I pray for those who have direct contact with patients who are infected and our public service personnel. I pray that God will put a hedge of protection around us, keep us safe, and help those who are in need that their needs be met. I trust in all that You do and I shall not be afraid as You are always with us. I give all the glory and blessings to You. I pray this in Your son's Holy precious name, Jesus. Amen.
Mar 25, 2020
Pray all my puzzle friends are well. Has any one heard from Aussie, lately? I like to pray with you pixipixil. Praying for God's healing for all Americans and our country.
Mar 25, 2020
Sounds good, I'll ask for that too. My birthday was Saturday and I visited my brother, it was odd to stay far away from each other and not know when I would see him again.
Mar 25, 2020
Mar 30, 2020
I will join everybody in all of their prayers today and ask that
our prayers encompass all people world wide.
God bless us all.
Mar 24, 2020
Pretty little picture. Tea isn't my cup, and don't like those kind of cookies, but is a lovely picture. I love lilies of the valley. They're so dainty and beautiful and they smell heavenly. They used to make a perfume/cologne that smelled like these flowers.....of course I can't remember the name.....story of my life! Have a lovely safe, healthy day. Pray for each other and give virtual hugs to your friends. In the paper today there was an article about a woman in Central Illinois who is putting paper hearts in her front windows to show love for all and a lift to the spirits. I LIKE this and am going to do it here. We can all use a little extra love and the knowledge that someone cares. Blessings to all.
Mar 24, 2020
Love the paper hearts idea. Was the scent you described possibly VaVan Cleef & Arpels Collection Extraordinaire Muguet, Pleasures by Estee Lauder, Yardley's Lily Of The Valley Eau De Toilette Spray?
Mar 24, 2020
It was a French perfume called Muguet Des Bois and I love it, too. Have no idea if it's still made - I only see inexpensive fragrances that use lilies of the valley anymore.
Mar 25, 2020
Ah. I suspect you've done an internet search.

PS: I don't wear scent. Was hoping I could see it online.
Mar 25, 2020
I used to wear Muguet Des Bois when I was young. Lovely scent. They say perfumes change how they smell as a person ages. I don't think it would be good now. I don't generally wear any scent because so many people have allergies.
Mar 25, 2020
Avon made a Lily of the Valley perfume back in the 60's.
Mar 25, 2020
I did a search on line, of course, and it was Muguet which now sells for $80 a bottle....not buying that! Yardley sells Lily of the Valley Eau de Toilette. I think I will buy this and wear it because I just love the scent. And if people want to say that I "smell like an old lady", I'll smell terrific! Have a wonderful day, my friends, and may love and peace of mind be your companions.
Mar 25, 2020
Mar 24, 2020
Very relaxing puzzle today. I love tea.
Mar 25, 2020
I like a cup of hot decaf green tea when I can't sleep which is happening frequently again.
Mar 24, 2020
That's both a pleasant picture and a pleasant thought.
Mar 24, 2020
Though I'd rather have a nice lemon cookie with my tea, please.
Mar 24, 2020
Where is everybody?
March is passing fast
wonder where Aussie is
am missing her and some more friends
Mar 24, 2020
I was just thinking today about aussie and other puzzlers we haven't heard from for ages. And, yes, March is flying by which the months seem to do the older I get.
Mar 24, 2020
Nice one
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