Back in the '70's, when I worked for the Humane So. the golden retriever was the #1 family dog. Now it's the labrador retriever, followed by the golden. I'd personally choose the golden over the lab any day. They're so gentle and smart.
Does anyone remember the old song ----
"Lazy bones, sleepin' in the sun
How you gonna get the days work done?
Sleepin' in the noonday sun? "
----- or something like that!?
Imust admit I enjoy doing the animals one can never tire of these pets and the joy we get out of company, and taking them for walks, they keep us all fit when walking the dogs as it does the pets.
I don't remember who said something along these lines - "A dog's life" is a bad saying - a dog takes 16 naps a day, doesn't fix its own meals, etc. I'd love to live a dog's life!
Mar 21, 2015
You sound like what my son said about wanting to be a cat. Of course no one I know ever says a cat has a rotten life. I do agree that the "It's a dog's life" is inaccurate. My aunt and brother both were/are dog pamperers.
"Lazy bones, sleepin' in the sun
How you gonna get the days work done?
Sleepin' in the noonday sun? "
----- or something like that!?