Great Blue Heron Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free jigsaw puzzle online of a great blue heron. The large wader bird is commonly seen throughout North America.


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May 18, 2017
Well, well, well look who popped up for my birthday. I haven't been on this site for almost 6 months. But I always keep you all in my prayers and in mind. Happy Birthday anniversary to mmeeee. I am still singing in a chorale.
May 19, 2017
Welcome back Rozina and happy birthday to you. Hope it was a lovely day. NLB
May 20, 2017
Thanks NLB! We have a concert on June 3rd, I hope we get a good review with the crowd and even though the concert is free We do appreciate $ to keep the group going.
May 20, 2017
"we have a concert" who is "we"? what kind of music? where is the concert? Where do you live? (I may have known that last one once upon a time but not any more). Hoping you get lots of $ support!
May 21, 2017
"Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Rozina! Happy Birthday to you! " God's Blessings and Hugs! Today and throughout the year! :)
May 23, 2017
Thank You olamae61! nlbuchanan you would have to live in Boston, MA for our one hour concert. We are a large group of seniors who love to learn songs, harmonize, and have fun doing it. We've sung show tunes, musical songs, folk, classics, and also from Broadway hits. No audition needed to join just ready to sing in a group and a few brave people get to do solos sometimes. We want to show everyone that seniors are active, lively, and hip!!! PS I think our opening number is the beautiful "Oh, Shenandoah" I have done this for over 3 years now with the same instructor. I have been critiqued on my solos too. It isn't easy for me to sing in front of 40 or more people.
May 23, 2017
Rozina, I will soon join the ranks of seniorhood! In some places I am considered a senior. I think it is wonderful you are having fun and performing! As I will someday be one; I think that seniors are hip, active and COOL! Hugs and Blessings:)
May 24, 2017
Good for you, Rozina! We seniors must stay active doing things that give us pleasure. I say that as I spend most of my time here at home working on crafts. I do visit with my neighbors a lot as I walk my dog nearly every day. And I go to most of the socials here in our mobile home park, as well as some activities at the senior center across the street. When I was in 7th grade the choral teacher asked me to transfer to another type of "art" class so I have not had much confidence in my singing ability for most of my life. Even without singing, I am content with my life.
May 30, 2017
Well if you lived here - that would change as this teacher knows especially what happens to people when get criticized like that. She is a pro and does everything she can to help people find their voice. Also you never are under pressure to sing a solo. We are 45-50 people strong and we need more MEN. I am trying for an introduction to one of the songs we are going to sing with the audience participating "Over the Rainbow" Now please join with us....Beautiful, wonderful keep it going!
May 21, 2017
Such a cool puzzle! There is a heron nest about a mile south of me. I like seeing them fly
May 18, 2017
I think the only time I've seen a blue heron was when taking a boat tour of the canals of Amsterdam and a houseboat had a blue heron perched on the bow of the boat. I don't know if I could handle staying on a houseboat in Amsterdam - supposedly they drain the canals each night and then refill them. If that's the case, your houseboat would slowly drop several feet and then, slowly rise back up every night. I don't know if I could get used to having this sinking feeling every single night.
May 18, 2017
I've seen them a few times. There was one hanging out at our lake one year and he let me take photos of him once he got used to me. In fact he even started to show off. He pretended to be fishing but when he plunged his head into the water he only caught a stick.
May 18, 2017
Another time I was painting on the Deerfield River in MA. I paint on large birch panels and while busy I heard a flapping of wings behind the board. I slowly leaned right to peak around it and a great blue peaking from the opposite side met me face to face. True story. I put him in the painting.
May 19, 2017
We took the car in for work. There was an employee who I've known for years! Hubby asked her an innocent question and she gets all bent out of shape. He was concerned about the brake pedal. We had it serviced and she wasn't even involved. Then she's to me I really enjoy working with you c. I work with you because I tolerate your hubby. I do it because I love you.
May 19, 2017
Going to take the puppy into a dog training for an evaluation. She's sweet and adorable but she bites and nips. I used to know how to train puppies and now I Wonder if it's the pain meds I take.
May 19, 2017
You never can tell what will set people off. Since she likes you maybe you could ask what got her angry and act as a peacemaker between her and hubby. I had a priest go ballistic at me because I said something might be changed sine the music director told me it wasn't written in stone. The pastor started screaming at me and told me I was cruel.
I forget stuff because of taking a statin. Nothing sticks in my head for long although I can memorize stuff in the short haul.
May 20, 2017
I know what set her off. She's a service underwriter. hubby asked about the foot brakes. He mentioned that the brake goes to the floor and putting fluid so the pedal rises. She replies the hand brake - she meant emergency brake. She wasn't even involved - she implied that she didn't know anything about mechanical work. She replies omg! now you're going to tell me I don't know how to do my job. Irregardless of the situation she should have kept her emotions in check! I've had to say I'm gonna take a break and blew off the steam in the ladies room.
May 20, 2017
I can imagine. Hope you don't let her outburst upset you for long. She sounds like one of those officious types (hate those! ) who think they should control every situation.
May 21, 2017
Hubby went and ask another about her and she replies yep that's her. Decided not to work with that woman. She called and asked me to take her. I wasn't feeling well that day. She says oh you were suppose to something. She calls and asks why I stood her up. I told her I wasn't well. Then she tells me she stuck something and tries to blame me. It's when she said you were suppose is what made me make my decision.
May 21, 2017
Oops you were suppose to - who does she think she's talking to? Ugh! hate those as well.
May 19, 2017
A few nest around here. They are beautiful and graceful.
May 19, 2017
I love these puzzles but play my own game, 'how many moves to complete'
May 19, 2017
These birds are quite common in Florida. We have bird sanctuaries where you can see them.
May 18, 2017
Beautiful bird, but the feathers are somewhat strange.
May 18, 2017
These and egret feathers used to be used for ladies' hats back in the late 1890s and early 1900s - to the point that the birds became threatened.
May 18, 2017
Interesting. Thanks for the information.
May 18, 2017
Yes Aknan, very interesting. I never liked wearing hats and so glad they did away with that for going to church lol. It is bucketing down with rain, my car will get wet!!!!! So sad hahahaha Hugs.
May 18, 2017
Send central Florida some rain. We have had about 3/4 of an inch since April 1st. We are supposed to get some rain tomorrow, but not much. We are very dry and have had many fires in this area.
May 18, 2017
It has been ages since I saw one 0f these in the wild
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