Handbag Collection Jigsaw Puzzle

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Nov 10, 2023
True Confessions! I used to change purses seasonally. And --- to suit an occasion. In the last few years I haven't changed more than a few times! Too much trouble to do the change over --- and I can reach in without even looking and find what I want. The line of least resistance --- in keeping with my age!
May 26, 2024
True confession....same with me far as changing purses with the seasons. Sometimes I stay with one favorite purse for a year, but often they begin to look a little worse for wear, especially the straps, so I'm forced to change.
Nov 17, 2023
I have never been a purse person. I have one purse and that is it
Nov 14, 2023
I use to have many purses but not now. I don't even like to carry purses anymore!!!
Nov 13, 2023
27 purses. I use the same purse over and over again. I may have had 5 or 6 in all.
Nov 10, 2023
My father liked buying pocketbooks for my mother. Every Christmas he bought a really swanky one but she got tired of always getting pocketbooks so one Christmas he bought her a flannel nightgown that was designed to look like a choir singer's robes with flared sleeves and a big red bow at the neck. She burst into tears she hated it so much because it was flannel and to her that meant he thought she was an old lady. (I had a similar reaction to a bathrobe my husband bought our first Christmas. I had been looking to buy the same one for my sixty year old aunt.) Anyway I remember wishing my dad had bought the nightgown for me. I love flannel, and I would have loved the style also.
I'm not big on handbags. For me the thing is having enough sections and being big enough to hold my stuff. If it does that I'm usually satisfied.
Nov 9, 2023
Loved this puzzle. It was a little on the difficult side. I enjoyed doing this puzzle.
Nov 9, 2023
Some cute baskets to fill.
Nov 9, 2023
Interesting handbags and many handbags! Have a glorious day today and share the blessings and love that you have with those who don't! Keep smiling and keep on being grateful for all you have!