A wonderful display of ornaments! Hard puzzle to do.
Perhaps the best Yuletide decoration is being wrapped in smiles!
Have a great day. Surgeon appointment this afternoon. Hope he gives me some good news that I can do more things!! My back seems to be healing well. Only 2 little scabs left!
Good luck with the info from your surgeon, elijah13. I get to see my podiatrist tomorrow and, hopefully, get rid of my boot. It's all right and I don't have any more pain, it is just a heavy addition to my leg and tires me out.....proof that I am getting older! Blessings, my friendl.
Dec 21, 2020
Went this afternoon. No restrictions but just be careful. Can even drive!
Dec 22, 2020
YAY! Congratulations, elijah13!!
Dec 24, 2020
I've lost the boot and can now drive again...YAY!! We both got our wheels back! Blessings, elijah13!
Perhaps the best Yuletide decoration is being wrapped in smiles!
Have a great day. Surgeon appointment this afternoon. Hope he gives me some good news that I can do more things!! My back seems to be healing well. Only 2 little scabs left!