Hope all those people in North America are safe in your weather. Just spoke about it on our news and said people should try not to be out in it unless they have to. Shallow breathing and not much talking was the advice. Please take care.
We did grocery shopping yesterday and the air hurt my face then! Today is far worse and I have no intention of venturing outside. The closest I will get will be going into the garage, opening the door and running my car for 10 minutes to make sure it starts tomorrow when I do my visit for hospice. This cold is affecting my Yorkie, Frodo, even with his little coat on.
Jan 30, 2019
Brrrrr - wish I could send you some "warm" - we are in the middle of a heatwave but there has been a promise of a cool change. We need rain badly, the grass is brown and just crunches when you walk on it. Hugs (warm ones).
Jan 31, 2019
I will send prayers your way for rain and a cool down. "Cool" hugs, if there is such a thing!!
Looked like just squares until I finished and looked at it.
for our northern neighbors:
The birds are gone. The ground is white. The winds are wild. They chill and bite. The ground is slick with slush and sleet, and I barely feel my feet. Stay warm and inside!
It is cold here in Virginia too. Not as cold as other places but still very cold. I had to get y husband's meds today and there was debris from trees everywhere, including lids from trash cans. Monday we are back in the '50s!! Cannot wait. Stay safe and warm.
Jan 31, 2019
Didn't get any higher than the mid 50"s today (central Florida). Tomorrow will be about the same and the next week up to the low 80's..Crazy weather but glad I don't live in the upper US.
Jan 31, 2019
Thank you for the warm thoughts! Today our high was -9 and the low was -19.---- with wind chills much lower.
Super excited!!!! Start my practicum in the morning with a Christian School. I cannot wait to meet my host teacher and get back into the classroom. I will worry about my husband of course as he will be alone for about 4 hours.
Hope all those people in North America are safe in your weather. Just spoke about it on our news and said people should try not to be out in it unless they have to. Shallow breathing and not much talking was the advice. Please take care.
Good night and God bless. Hugs.
for our northern neighbors:
The birds are gone. The ground is white. The winds are wild. They chill and bite. The ground is slick with slush and sleet, and I barely feel my feet. Stay warm and inside!