Lavender Flowers Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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This is a jigsaw puzzle of flowering lavender. This field of lavender is near a tree under a bright blue sky.


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Mar 2, 2017
I visited a lavender farm in Scotland. What a treat to the eyes and nose!
Mar 2, 2017
My eyes would be okay, but nose my nose would rebel big time! Can't have anything that has lavender scent in it in the house, too bad because it is so popular.
Mar 2, 2017
It's hard to be sensitive, if not allergic, to some of the popular fragrances and ingredients. You really have to watch what you buy. I'm allergic to aloe - do you have any idea how many things that's in?
Mar 2, 2017
Yes, I do aknan, my oldest granddaughter is allergic to it too. She stayed w/us for a time & she had things she could use did not know that until then.
Aug 17, 2020
I'm sympathetic with allergies. I'm allergic to either newsprint or the ink. I open the newspaper in the morning and sneeze --- maybe six times. I've tried "mind over matter" --- doesn't work in this case!
Aug 21, 2020
Actually, JAMP, that's a common occurrence. It generally has to do with the microscopic paper dust clinging to the newsprint. Most of the inks now are soy- or plant-based. The old inks could really set your nose off!
Aug 17, 2020
Enjoyed it again!
Mar 2, 2017
I love purple and have to say that this is a gorgeous picture. Then too, I also love lavender. I shall have to give the sleep aid idea a go!
Mar 2, 2017
Very beautiful photo.
Mar 2, 2017
Love lavender - went to a lavender farm in Tasmania and the smell was exquisite. I also keep lavender oil in my bedside table for when I am having difficulty going to sleep. I put some on my temples and there is a natural sleep inducer in it and I fall off to sleep very quickly.

Mirth, and even cheerfulness, when employed as remedies in low spirits, are like hot water to a frozen limb. Benjamin Rush

We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Joseph Campbell

Sweet dreams everyone and God bless. Hugs.
Mar 2, 2017
I use lavender as a sleep aid, too, aussie. Mine has a drop of peppermint in it which makes breathing easier. Lavender is one of the few oils you can apply, uncut, directly to the skin. It's also good for those odd rashes that pop up from time to time.
Mar 2, 2017
Great stuff Aknan, because of the diabetes I am subject to very unwelcome rashes which are hard to heal, so will give it a go. Hugs a million.
Mar 2, 2017
Me, too - a hydrocortisone cream can also work wonders, especially if it's an itchy rash. I buy the house brands, which are considerably less expensive.
Mar 2, 2017
Such bright, sharp colors! Great colors.

God bless you all.
Mar 2, 2017
What a wonderful picture.
Mar 2, 2017 favorite flowers