Mountain and Waterfall Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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May 15, 2023
Saw this in the randoms and it called to me.
Today is Mother's Day. I sang at church and all went well so I am happy.
Mar 2, 2020
Beautiful morning jigsaw puzzle. Wish I got to see that out my window this morning rather than 40 head of cows! Thank you for sharing.
Mar 3, 2020
I hope there was supposed to be 40 head of cows outside your window.
Mar 3, 2020
Quickone2 did I miss you on here, don't recognize your name. If that is the case, wanted to welcome you. Always nice to see someone new posting and get new opinions. Where are you that you see so many cows? Love cows My in laws raised a few cows years ago and they had to go out of town once, we got to go down and bottle feed the calf they bought. She was such a sweet thing, was almost sorry when we had to leave. I live in central Oregon on top of the mountains. Be safe and take care.
Apr 9, 2020
Haha Karen I needed a smile today.
Apr 9, 2020
We missed your comments, aussie. Welcome back. (((HUGS)))
Jan 11, 2022
Well just could be looking out your window while drinking a glass of milk! Whoopie!!!
Jan 15, 2022
Now that would be nice. But these cows aren't for milking. I don't get it, other than know that they give birth in the spring and by winter, all are pregnant again. My neighbor raises corn, soy beans, wheat and just recently got into the cow business. They are kind of interesting to watch. Very nosy and have to see everything that's going on. They are grazing in the corn field next too my house. Come summer are rounded up by two herding dogs and brought back across the street to the big barn that the farmer has. They also have horses, chickens, ducks and are bee keepers. It's interesting to see them working their fields and caring for all their animals. Glad I can enjoy watching with out having to do any work!!!
Mar 15, 2023
KarenBuglet Im just seeing this conversation and had to tell you I burst out laughing seeing your reply to Quickone2's comment. That was clever and hilarious!
Mar 20, 2023
I love making people laugh! Cows are interesting to watch, however they bring billions of flies that tend to go all over your house, white windows, in the garage, get your car, no matter how many fly traps you have outside!!!!
Jan 15, 2022
I'm back! Lovely AT&T did something to hundreds of homes and cut the internet off somehow. Three days with out internet was terrible. One never realizes just how much they use the internet until you don't have it for a while. Anyway, this is a beautiful photo, I enjoyed working the puzzle. Thanks jigsaw puzzle employees!!!!
Jul 14, 2020
Mar 2, 2020
What more could you want--a mountain, a sunset and three waterfalls! When does my plane leave? At first I thought that was a pyramid on a hill.
Wishing you a productive week.
Mar 2, 2020
It's not just a mountain, pixipixil--it's a volcano! Hopefully, an inactive one.
Mar 2, 2020
Oops! Further research indicates it IS a mountain. C4J labeled it incorrectly on the tags. More information above.
Mar 3, 2020
Did you find out where it is vmarie? I'd love top know eventhough I don't plan to ever leave the US especially with this virus going around.
Mar 5, 2020
Kirkjufell is a 463 meter (1, 519ft) high mountain in Iceland on the Snaefellsnes Peninsula
Mar 5, 2020
Thank you Vmarie. Iceland is one place I might consider visiting...not much political upheaval or drug traffic there.
Mar 6, 2020
We just got our AAA magazine and there was the puzzle pix in it!
Mar 2, 2020
Beautiful. Late doing puzzles today--Raking up leaves from around my ferns. The lawn people blow them into them. Takes a few times going out to get it done. Can only work so long.
Mar 2, 2020
Might be time to have a word with the lawn people.
Mar 2, 2020
How is your sister doing?

Have a Great Day!
Mar 3, 2020
At home now. Therapist came this afternoon. She started out with breathing problems, then when that got better, she got something else. Not sure about everything. Her daughters (my nieces) kept me informed. I just try to stay on "the well side" as much as possible and watch what I do. If I can't do it, I ask for help!
Mar 3, 2020
Elijah what kind of ferns do you have? Love ferns, used to have an asparagus fern, it was beautiful and got so big. I grew it indoors. Don't know why it died??? Can't grow any outdoors here and don't have room for anymore indoor plants. Be safe.
Mar 3, 2020
Don't know what the name of the ferns are. I just wish the lawn people wouldn't blow all the leaves there. Probably have 2 more days out there--about 1/2 hour at a time is all I can do. Sometimes I go out twice a day. Will go out once today so the leaves trash can be picked up tomorrow.
Mar 4, 2020
Elijah13, can you look up on the internet what type of fern you have?
Mar 4, 2020
Elijah that must be so frustrating to have to rake after they have blown the leaves around, not to mention the hard work. Try not to over do the raking and be safe
Mar 4, 2020
Will be going by the nursery soon so will bring a picture of them. Wrote your name down so I will know who to respond to.
Mar 5, 2020
Lol elijah13. Thanks.
Mar 5, 2020
Oops. didn't see that darambo also asked about the ferns. :\
Mar 3, 2020
Absolutely stunning!
Mar 2, 2020
Such a beautiful setting. It looks like paradise.
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