My husband has heart issues. His legs and feet swell. He has to take diaretics to reduce the swelling in his legs. He wears special socks too. He's at the doctors more often than most which frustrates him.
Carolsapple, I hope your husband is doing better these days. How are you holding up?
Sep 29, 2016
It's really hard for me. I myself deal with migraines. Then last summer I tripped and fell and broke my hand. I ended up having surgery where pins were inserted. I made numerous attempts to do daily tasks which caused severe pain. I ended up having to quit my job. I was typing for work. Thanks tho.
Sep 30, 2016
I can understand why you'd have to quit your job, no long being able to type. I was an admin asst for many years. Those migraines can really stop a person in their tracks from what I hear. Are you able to lay in a dark room to help get rid of them?
Oct 4, 2016
I have to take pain meds. The real reason I quit my job was due to a broken hand and surgery last summer.
These are kind of weird - it looks like these giant rocks are sticking out of large pasture land. Dangerous pasture land with large falling rocks, but, is seems like cattle or sheep should be grazing there.