Paint Glasses Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle online of colorful glasses. Each glass was filled with bright paint.


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May 19, 2020
How would you like to be the person whose job it was to collect these empty paint glasses. Interesting picture.
May 20, 2020
It was 67 this morning but the high today 79 today, and not rain will have it on Thursday for the weekend and the first part of the next week.

"Kittens possess a sixth sense-the uncanny ability to know exactly how you're feeling and how to make you feel better. - unknown"

Our daughter sent us a fruit salad for the noon, it was great!
Have a Great Afternoon & Evening.
May 20, 2020
Lucky you. Pretty nice to have a daughter that was so kind to do that. My sweet daughter works for the Post Office and is super busy 6 days a week. Sometimes I have to get take-out and deliver it to her! I love her and proud of how hard she works. Always had a good work ethic. My son, who is 14 months older than her, owns his own businesses, and is super successful himself. Great kids....thank the Lord.
May 20, 2020
Our daughter is a home student teacher & also have some student's at OCCCK but that is lest an 1 1/2 mile for her home.
May 20, 2020
That use be OCCC (no K) also our grandson(Nick) is living her house since our son is he is working out of a small town in Texas, near of OK. Nick is going to OCCC, he helping her and her daughters have apartment not far of us & daughter.
Sep 9, 2019
The ones with designs must have been painted with the pattern inside and then dipped in paint outside so the design would show up.
Not easy to paint inside a glass. At first I thought these were straws.
Starting to get over my reaction to the shingles booster. Ran a fever for 2 days. Think I'm okay now but my arm is still sore.
Hope you are all taking good care of yourselves and getting flu shots.
Would like prayers for my sister-in-law who is getting her bowel reattached tomorrow. She spent the summer on a colostomy bag while the bowel healed from the first operation. No she is going in to be put back together. Please pray they can do a complete finish and not have to put her on another intermediate bag.
Sep 9, 2019
Prayers for your sister, pixi. Those bags are no way to live. Also, so glad you got the shingles shot. I had shingles in June and the scars still ache. It's a disease that NO ONE should have to suffer through.
Sep 10, 2019
I know several people who got it and they suffered terribly. I'm so sorry to hear you also have sffered from it, aknan.
Thank you for the prayers for my sister-in-law.
Sep 10, 2019
Prayers said, Pix.
Sep 10, 2019
Prayers for your S-I-L, Pixi.
Sep 10, 2019
Thanks trynfindit.
Sep 11, 2019
Thank you, Manatee. The operation was scheduled for 11:00 today Arizona time and it was supposed to last 3 hours. I haven't gotten word yet..
Sep 11, 2019
Thank you all for your prayers. I got my brother by phone and his wife came through fine. I have no details and won't until I speak to him Friday but the main thing is she's alive and kicking.
Thank you so much.
Sep 11, 2019
Praise God and thanks to Him!
Sep 11, 2019
Sep 11, 2019
Great news! Praying for fast full recovery. She will be so happy to be off that bag.
Sep 13, 2019
An update that is less than sunny--my sister-in-law is having trouble keeping food down--she is on liquids only naturally--but is still vomiting most of her meals up. Her energy level is so low they are having trouble getting her to walk as much as she should. Please continue prayers for her that the doctors figure out what to do so she can keep her food down.
Thank you so much.
Sep 16, 2019
Oh darn it. I had a reaction like that after abdominal surgery and they finally realized it was a reaction to the pain meds. I hope this has a similar reason easy to fix. Prayers and more prayers.
Sep 16, 2019
Latest update--my sister-in-law was released to go home last night. This is such a relief. She had such a hard time trying to keep her food down. Hopefully she will continue to improve now.
Thank you again for all who prayed for her.
Sep 17, 2019
Home will be so nice. Many healing prayers for her.
Sep 17, 2019
Sep 9, 2019
Looked a bit like straws at the beginning.

"The price of excellence is discipline; the cost of mediocrity is disappointment." —William Arthur Ward
"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome." —Anne Bradstreet

Good night and God bless. Hugs.
Sep 10, 2019
I thought they were straws also until I started the puzzle and saw the designs. They still look like straws to me in the thumbnail.
Sep 10, 2019
Tick pixi lol. Hugs.
Sep 10, 2019
Is that a down under thing? Don't know it.
Hugs, tho, I do understand and sending a big one back to you.
Sep 10, 2019
Probably Pixi, just means we agree on things. :) Hugs.
Sep 10, 2019
I have so much trouble getting my mouse to move fast!
Sep 9, 2019
That was difficult, but I did it.
Sep 9, 2019
Not an easy one!
Sep 9, 2019
All I want to know is WHY? Why is paint poured in glasses in the first place, except to give us a brain-teasing puzzle.
Sep 9, 2019
Tough one!
Sep 9, 2019
It was indeed!
Sep 9, 2019
I agree!
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