Painted Bench Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jigsaw puzzle of a painted bench. The bench is looking out at the Austrian Alps.


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Oct 23, 2018
Awesome scenery...beautiful colors...Would hang this on a wall
Sep 18, 2016
Can hardly see the bench for the mountains!
Mar 19, 2015
Oh what a beautiful painting.
Mar 20, 2015
Isn't it? Just love these types of puzzles. Very nice range of colors, easy on the eyes.
How is everything in "your neck of the woods"? Have not watched the news/weather in a couple of days. Have been out and about. Went out today cloths shopping. Ready with much smaller cloths for the summer. :) It's the first day of spring today. Enjoy. :)
Mar 20, 2015
Cold & cloudy here, doesn't look like spring at all!
Would love to have a garden like pretty!
Have a great day both of you.
Mar 21, 2015
Yes, I would love to have a garden too, but the best I can do here is pots and window boxes. Our ground is to rocky and sandy. Not much grows in the one bed I have, just local brush type plants. In the back of the house, not much land. I will be planting a couple of nice big pots of flowers and keep them in the shade in the afternoon. :) We've had two very nice days in a row. Went yesterday to walk on the beach, still a bit cool, not many people dared the water. How is the Crickett doing, KitKat say "Meowy Hi! " Have a great evening. :)
Mar 21, 2015
Crickett doing okay, not so sneezy, but he also doesn't like the rain so he has been in the house more, still trying to get him brushed out - he just hates it!! He says he'll give his brush to KitKat if she would like it. I've got way more yard than I would like at this stage, but will have to start getting out & working on it, but so far it's to cold or it's raining, not a lot more just misty & sprinkles. I think I heard them say that next week we could have some severe weather. Sun is suppose to show it shine tomorrow, forgot what that looks like. Hubby is watching basketball so guess I'll spend the rest of the day doing puzzles.
Mar 22, 2015
Hi CatLadyOKC, KitKat says no thank you to the brush, so nice of Crickett. :)) KitKat just had two large knots removed yesterday and another one today. She's not happy with us. Still two more to go. >^-^< Not looking forward to that. :(
There is nothing on TV tonight, spent time of FB and now puzzles. Oh well, take care and have a good night. :)
Mar 26, 2015
Just letting you know we are fine, some tree damage and neighbors fence down, but no major damage. Elec was off til about midnight and internet on this am...
To: KitKat - From Crickett says "He is fine! "
Mar 30, 2015
Hi CatLadyOKC, So glad to hear you are fine and have no damage, just so loss of electricity. I was wondering about you. :) I have not been here puzzling for quite a few days. :( My husband and I have both been very sad the last couple of weeks. Our beautiful KitKat had fallen ill two weeks ago. We went to the vet, got meds for her, but still did not seem right. We upped her medicine by one drop. She seemed to be doing better. But then we noticed a change in her habits. On Wednesday the 25th, she spent the entire night with me in the office. On Thursday morning, I noticed a change in her look and she was not breathing correctly. (We had an appointment for the vet on Friday.) By 3pm I knew she would not last the night. KitKat passed away at 9:40pm on Thursday, March 26, 2015. She is Greatly missed, but I know she is no longer in pain. She was 16 1/2 on March 20th, she had a very nice long life. >^-^< She was a huge part of our lives, my angel girl. She was such a good little traveler. Now she is on a new journey. I told her as she was passing..."go find Mimi, she'll show you the way". >^-^<

On Friday, we took her body to an animal crematorium, family owned. It's the first time we, are doing this. Hubby picked out a beautiful box for her, she will remain with us. I had told her back in December, we would never leave her behind, you will always be with us. We are keeping our promise to her. This promise was made when we were packing and moving, she looked so worried as we were emptying the house.

We left the crematorium feeling so blue, so down. When we got home, going right into the house, I automatically called out..."Hey KitKat, we're home", just a reaction. The house then felt so empty without her. We are now, for the first time in 32 years, without a cat or any animal in our lives. Just seems so empty. All four of my girls have brought us so much joy. They are all Greatly missed. My four little angel girls. >^-^<
So sorry CatLadyOKC....Hello the Crickett from me, and a meowy good-by from KitKat, Over the Rainbow Bridge. So glad he is fine. Keep well Crickett. >^-^<
Mar 30, 2015
So very sorry for you...I know how hard it is to lose one.
Will be thinking of you. Take care.
Mar 30, 2015
Tomandray, my heart aches for you. Our pets are truly our friends and their absence from our lives is a huge change.
Mar 30, 2015
Thank you Aknan for your heartfelt wishes. Our little fur kids are truly our friends and kids. Their absence do leave a huge whole in our lives. May you have a wonderful evening. :)
Mar 30, 2015
Hi CatLadyOKC, Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts. KitKat is very much missed. We will be picking up her ashes on Tuesday. Have a good evening. :)
Mar 26, 2015
So peaceful
Mar 21, 2015
A beautiful setting peaceful
Mar 19, 2015
"The bench is looking out to a calm lake"? The bench has eyes? ;-)
Mar 19, 2015
I love this picture not too many places like this left
Mar 19, 2015
This was a challenge, but certainly beautiful.
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