Hey Sunset:
You are one of our speediest. I never come close to your times.
Aug 24, 2013
Sorry to usurp your bronze. I will probably have it for only a little while!
Aug 24, 2013
Well I just did 16 more minutes than you....and the fastest has only done five minutes faster than you.
Aug 24, 2013
Ok what is a bronze or are you premium members?
Aug 24, 2013
OK kittycat I've been trying to find out all about this too. I don't know what bronze is either.
Aug 24, 2013
If you look at the times posted, you will see the top 3 are Gold, Silver, Bronze...see the little medals next to the names?
Aug 24, 2013
The top 3 solve times have little badges to the left of them. 1st place is gold, 2nd place is silver and 3rd place is bronze. I am not a premium member. And I notice that I am no longer in 3rd place!
Aug 24, 2013
Logansport, gold, silver and bronze are given for the 3 fastest times for each cut - you'll see them in the table of fastest times under the "Solve times" panel on the left, for all puzzlers. I once had silver - for about 30 seconds, and only because, New Zealand being 12 hours ahead of the Northern Hemisphere, I was about the first to do the puzzle - Lol!!!!
Jun 6, 2016
I have to get up too early to get a medal. I did get a bronze one time. But I'm a winner anyway, at least I think so.
Jun 7, 2016
As Molly Brown would say, "Ain't nobody gonna say I'm down till I say so too." Like Molly you say you're a winner and you're the only one that counts.
Jun 9, 2016
Pixipixil is right sallywon12! :)
Nov 19, 2016
I do not worry about medals or speed too much. For me it is about doing puzzles and enjoying them.
Nov 21, 2016
Completely agree robert0199! It's a rarity that I ever 'medal' on any of the puzzles, that's not why I do them; I just think they're fun. But gotta admit it is a bonus if I'm early enough to receive a medal. :-)
Nov 21, 2016
I compete against others whose time is near my own, and if I like a puzzle I go back and compete against myself. I post my own time on the blog as the stats of time on the puzzle only keep the top ten. (In my dreams! )
Jan 23, 2025
Chance meeting of one resident of the castle to another ---
"Nice seeing you --- maybe we'll meet again sometime! "
You are one of our speediest. I never come close to your times.
"Nice seeing you --- maybe we'll meet again sometime! "