Don't know who invented these sticky notes, but they are a great invention.
"I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors." – Joel Osteen
"Nothing in life has happened to you. It's happened for you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door has helped make you into who you are." – Joel Osteen
Arthur Fry who worked for 3M invented post its or post it notes.
Jan 24, 2017
It was porbably a secretary, like with white out for correcting typing mistakes back when we used paper...
The second Joel Osteen quote reminds me of the phrase "collateral beauty" - finding the loveliness even in the midst of the darkest events of your life. Spouses might grow closer after the death of a child. I lost my father, but found a friend in my mother. It's God's way of telling us that life really can go on.
Jan 24, 2017
I agree I love all kinds of sticky is like an obsession I also have an obsession with pens!!! I guess it could be worse
Jan 24, 2017
Now to write myself a note...if I can find them, buried under all my stuff on desk. Yes, I need to clean up!
Jan 24, 2017
They must have added the colorful push pins for accent, because the strips are sticky all by themselves.
Smiles to all.
Jan 25, 2017
The inventor of post it notes said he kept breaking off pieces of paper to mark somewhere in a book.
Fun and challenging both. Have all sizes of sticky notes in my desk drawer. Don't know why I bother to buy the tiny ones as I always have to much to say and it never fits.
"I believe if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you're grateful, you'll see God open up new doors." – Joel Osteen
"Nothing in life has happened to you. It's happened for you. Every disappointment. Every wrong. Even every closed door has helped make you into who you are." – Joel Osteen
Take care and God bless. Hugs.
The second Joel Osteen quote reminds me of the phrase "collateral beauty" - finding the loveliness even in the midst of the darkest events of your life. Spouses might grow closer after the death of a child. I lost my father, but found a friend in my mother. It's God's way of telling us that life really can go on.
Smiles to all.
God bless you all.