A poinsettia is such an easy Christmas decoration --- and one of the most effective.
Enjoy the week leading up to Christmas, and the day, and the day after!
Wow this took \a long time for the penny to drop(seems I must have been well out of pratice, but I must say I didb enjoy putting it all together. Thank you team for this one.*(must be all these hospital appoint ments, just about finished the treatment, lets hope the are getting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Love Santa.
I don't do well with poinsettias. I have some artificial ones in my front yard in front of my hedge which looks good from the street. Will use them as long as they look good. It adds some color to the yard. I have used them for about 10 years. I just put them in a plastic container when done and store them in the garage.
Imust admit I also have starting doing this and it is supprising how many people make a comment on how nice they look, it doesnt hurt to tell a little white lie now and again.
Enjoy the week leading up to Christmas, and the day, and the day after!