Purple Ornaments Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Free online jigsaw puzzle for adults and kids of purple and blue Christmas decorations. The bigger ornament in the back is made with large sequins.

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Dec 19, 2024
Happy Holidays to everyone!
Dec 2, 2017
I hope people will make this a time of peace, and not violets.
Dec 7, 2017
Now that made me laugh, Parson. I wish world leaders would get the point. Set aside all this wrangling and chest beating.
Dec 8, 2017
But I enjoy playing chess.
Dec 8, 2017
I guess you like to check up on folks.
Dec 9, 2017
Especially on my mate.
Dec 9, 2017
Think about where that line of punishment might lead! I was going to do a comeback but decided to let you have the last pun.
Dec 9, 2017
If she were from Czechoslovakia, I could say, "Czech, mate."
Dec 9, 2017
You'd have it hard finding anyone from there any more. Czech is now free of Slovakia. But I suppose mates don't always tell the whole story--only the good half. Does that mean she's been playing you all along?
Dec 17, 2017
She did once a-pawn a time.
Dec 18, 2017
Sounds like you've been rooked.
Dec 19, 2017
And we have our own castle.
Dec 19, 2017
Even with her checkered past? You must never be board.
Dec 20, 2017
Oh no, Never board. We give each other space - especially when one of us is jumpy or needs to move around.
That reminds me of the story of an Anglican Bishop who walked straight into a tavern and was immediately thrown out because bishops can only move diagonally.
Dec 20, 2017
And that reminds me of the knight who was thrown out of chapel for horsing around.
Dec 21, 2017
Neigh! Say it isn't so.
Johann Strauss was an avid mountain climber who once waltzed himself into deep trouble. He lost his footing and found himself hanging by his fingertips over a bottomless gorge.
Another climber heroically came to his rescue and just managed to grab Johann by a strap of his backpack to save the Maestro's life.
Since then, the act of trying to get out of a seemingly hopeless situation has come to be known as grasping at Strauss.
What do you call Santa Clause after he's fallen into a fireplace?
Krisp Kringle
Who sings "Love Me Tender" and makes Christmas toys?
Santa's little Elvis
Which of Santa's reindeers needs to mind his manners the most?
"Rude Olph"
What did the Gingerbread Man put on his bed?
A cookie sheet
Dec 21, 2017
All terrific but my fav is the cookie sheet.
Who makes the toys in Africa? The elf-ants.
Seeing Santa take off always sleighs me.
Folks use their mantels when stocking up on gifts.
Dec 23, 2017
I put some turnips, his least-favorite vegetable, on my eleven-year-old son's dinner plate and instructed him to eat everything. He cleaned his plate, except for the turnip.
I pointed out to him that if he'd eaten it earlier, he wouldn't have been left with its taste in his mouth at the end of the meal.
Thoughtfully, he replied, "I guess I was just trying to delay the inedible."
Dec 23, 2017
Many folks turnip their noses at that veg.
Dec 23, 2017
A few more puns:
Have you heard about the Chinese restaurant that stays open twenty-four hours a day? It's called Wok Around the Clock.
What do you call a secondhand clothing store in India? Whose Sari Now.
Fear is the darkroom where negatives are developed.
Two blondes walk into a tanning salon. The receptionist asks, "Are you two sisters? "
"Heck, no, we aren't even Catholic!
Mischievous lambs post their videos on EweTube.
Back in the days when the guillotine was first used, people wondered, "Is this what we may beheaded for in the future? "
Dec 24, 2017
Love the one about the sisters. I have to pass that one to my husband. He loves jokes although puns aren't his favorite kind but I think he'll like this one.
If you tell them often enough you become a re-pun-zealot.
Dec 20, 2017
I need these for my tree, love purple
Dec 9, 2017
Beautiful ornaments love purple
Dec 2, 2017
Purple is not a usual color for Christmas ornaments. I have one or two but they aren't prevalent. they really do make a statement.
Dec 2, 2017
Purple is thought of as a royal colour so I believe it belongs on a Christmas tree. Loved the puzzle. One of my favourite colours, the other being shades of blue. And of course, it's shades of purple. Take care, everyone.
Dec 3, 2017
Yes I read a book once that described in detail which colors were to be worn by royalty and which colors were "allowed" for peasants....believe it or not it was a crime to wear purple if you werent' royalty.
Dec 7, 2017
Purple is the liturgical color for Advent--the season in preparation for Christmas in the Catholic Church.
Dec 7, 2017
Really pretty colors. Love the hologram bangles. How did we get red and green for Christmas anyway? I like these colors better.
Dec 3, 2017
Very PRETTY!!!!!
Dec 3, 2017
Just beautiful...absolutely love the colors. Might just pull out my Christmas tree from under the garage steps and put the darn thing up this year. Hoorah.
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