You all can't see me, but it is in the mid 1980's and I am sitting on a beach in So. Calif. in those chairs. A friend and I spent two glorious weeks in a rented beach house. I read the entire book of "The Thorn Birds" while there. Oh...the memories.
Good one, elijah13!! Good luck at the doctor! I'm going to call my daughter later....she is just outside of Columbia, S.C., a couple of hours from the coast, but who knows where Sally is going to go. Have a great day!
Sep 17, 2020
I am praying for your daughter and family to be safe. Hurricanes are NO FUN! I've been thru a couple of them.
Sep 18, 2020
Thank you, elijah13. You can never have too many prayers being said!
Sep 22, 2020
I called her and all they got was some rain. I was so relieved. Have a good one, my friend, elijah13!
Sep 23, 2020
I'm happy for her. This year has NOT BEEN GOOD!
Sep 23, 2020
No it hasn't. I think that 2020 will go down in the history books as one of the worst years ever!
Brings back the lyrics of some Beach Boys songs....that shows how old I am! Have a serene day. And if you are in the path of Sally, take care and stay safe. Blessings to all.
Why are the middle ages called the dark ages? Because there were too many knights! Try to have a good day.