Rocky Rhode Island Shore Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Sep 13, 2024
What I see may not be what you see. I see a couple, considering the size of the rocks, to be middle or senior years. They watch the days come and go, weathering storms and cheerful moments together. Happy are they that stay together after so long a time. It is beautiful as a puzzle too!
Sep 14, 2024
Great word picture, rpayne14
Sep 14, 2024
I think I see what you see. A couple leaning into one another, arms outstretched. I like to think of it as a relationship built on a rock!
Sep 14, 2024
How lovely you are to think that. I see a pregnant lady leaning forward with her tummy propped up by a rock, to get a hug, from a friend.
Sep 14, 2024
--- a "rock-solid" relationship!
Sep 15, 2024
I see the picture you painted with words. Good imagination. Thanks for sharing.
Sep 15, 2024
I love the vision you all have!
Sep 13, 2024
Very cleverly done. Some of those stones are very heavy,
Sep 13, 2024
Somebody was influenced by Stonehenge!