Stacked Blocks Premium Jigsaw Puzzle

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Dec 2, 2020
Took longer than I thought. Very colorful!

A little late, but for Thanksgiving:
Why didn't the cook season the Thanksgiving turkey? There was no thyme!
Jan 18, 2022
Very good late Thanksgiving pun elijah. That was great.
Dec 2, 2020
Harder than I thought it would be, but not impossible. I hope all of you are well. I get to see my podiatrist for the fall I had on Monday. No lessening of the swelling and still can't put on a will teach me to not pay attention when I walk! Have a great day and may blessings go with you all day!
Dec 3, 2020
Hope whatever is wrong from your fall heals quickly and completely.
Had a surprise today. I've known my pacemaker battery was going to need to be changed, likely in early Jan. At my pacer checkup today the technician told me that my pacer battery expired on Sept 19th. Apparently my pacer is running on its 'back up' power. I asked her if we were talking about a matter of days or weeks for the battery to be replaced - she said, "Days! " She immediately made an appt for me to see the surgeon tomorrow. She asked me if I'd been feeling tired and I said, "yes", and that for the past 3 or 4 months I've been sleeping 11 to 12 hours a night (which I've been wondering about). *sigh* Looks like surgery in a few days for battery change.
Dec 4, 2020
Thank Heavens that the technician was on the ball! Have a safe surgery and please let us know how it goes. God bless and protect you, trynfindit!
Dec 7, 2020
Thank you nborchardt. My surgery is on Fri Dec 11th. Any prayers are gratefully accepted. The nice thing about my surgery is that my (adudlt) kids will have to take up all the slack of decorating for Christmas, lol, since I'm not supposed to use my arm or lift anything. 😁
Dec 7, 2020
I will be saying prayers all week. Thanks for the info, trynfindit.
Jan 6, 2022
My head's on a swivel when I'm outdoors. Raised sidewalks, bikeriders going the wrong way on 1-way streets, it's an obstacle course out there. Sorry to hear about your fall. We're all getting there. Who'd a thought it?
Jan 6, 2022
You have to have a "swivel head" anymore. I hope you are doing well, CherieNYC!
Jan 6, 2022
So far, so good, but I have to go out soon, so the "swivel" is back on. Wish me well.
Dec 18, 2020
Well...all I can say about this puzzle is that it was certainly colorful.
Dec 7, 2020
Perfect for me
Dec 4, 2020
Vibrant colors for blocks!!!!!!
Dec 3, 2020
Difficult, But fun to do
Dec 2, 2020
Slow start but got 'er done. Yep elijah13 is back.
Dec 2, 2020
That was harder than I thought, but I do like colourful puzzles!
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