Toy Cars and Trains Jigsaw Puzzle

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Jan 12, 2025
If I meet this one again --- no thanks! But --- I'm glad I did it.
Dec 30, 2020
Another tough one. I like this type. Although as a young girl I loved dolls I also loved little cars and trucks. I had a matchbook caterpillar tractor I was very fond of. The rubber treads were removeable and the plow in front went up and down.
Wishing you fond memories of childhood.
Dec 30, 2020
Pixi I also loved playing with my brothers matchbook cars and my brothers had dolls they liked to play with. My son also had a baby doll he loved when he was about 1 1/2, except he would not keep it! Nothing wrong with boys and girls playing with each others toys. Be safe and well.
Dec 31, 2020
I grew up before Barbie came out. How I would have loved her! The most glamorous doll during my childhood was a Revlon doll which has come apart but I still have the pieces.
Dec 31, 2020
I do have fond memories of childhood and reading your post brought them to mind. I couldn't play with my brother's stuff. In the 50's that was NOT done and I was 6 years older than him. Ah memories! And thank you for the information you gave me yesterday including the email address. That was very helpful!! Blessings..
Dec 31, 2020
I loved dolls and still do
did not get many when I was growing up
we loved to play paper dolls
we would cut them out of the Sear roebuck catalog
i love little cars
Dec 31, 2020
When my son was very young he had a very large collection of "Hot Wheels" as did one of his friends, our neighbor's son. One day, for reasons neither of them remember, they buried ALL of them. Problem is, some years later, neither of them could remember WHERE they buried them - his yard or ours.
Dec 31, 2020
My brother had a ton of Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars. I had a couple of each. My Hot Wheels car was hot pink. Of course I had a bunch of Barbie dolls, but no Ken. She had to date my brothers Captain Action doll for which you could buy different super hero outfits. I think I had her mostly go out with the Phantom because his costume was purple.
Dec 31, 2020
That's pretty neat that you still have the pieces, pixi. I had a Chatty Cathy and a Barbie but as soon as troll dolls came out I abandoned everything else and trolls were my favorite. Then horses.
Jan 1, 2021
I loved paper dolls. When I was very little I had lots of them and I would cut notches out of the doll so I could swap the clothes from one onto another.
I used to make clothes for all my regular dolls also. I wish I could use my sewing machine to sew clothes for some dolls I still have but the needle always pushes the fabric into the hole in the plate and jams it up. As a kid I hand sewed everything but I am not neat. I sew like I write--a mess!
Jan 1, 2021
When I was 4 1/2 to 6 1/2 I was crippled with Legg Perthes disease (very rare for a girl). It was not a common affliction but my Dr. said that when it happened, 98% of the time it happened to boys. They were put in casts on both legs spread apart with a bar between their feet, toes turned in, and given crutches. Because I was a rare girl, I was confined to a dumb bed for 2 years until the hip bones recalcified. My Dr. didn't want to take a chance of it spreading and affecting my pelvis and my ability to have children. My name is Peggy and Peggy paper dolls came out then so people from church gave me Peggy paper dolls. I must have had 6 or more boxes of them. I loved them all. I had a whole family of Peggy's. But they could all stand up and walk and dance around my bed table.
Jan 1, 2021
I have never heard of that disease and will check into it. Did you heal from it fully and have children and eventually walk, etc.?
What terrible trials so many of our fellow puzzlers have and do face.
Jan 1, 2021
I loved paper dolls too, and used to make paper clothes for them, and for the trolls paper or cloth clothes. I just googled Legg Perthes. I had not heard of it either. Must have been hard to keep you down at that age! I hope you don't have any lasting effects from it.
Jan 2, 2021
Manatee, I had a Chatty Cathy and a Barbie. I cut Chatty Cathy's hair so I could pull the string better. BOY, did I get trouble. I have her sitting on a self with a collection of other treasures in a spare bedroom. My mom could sew real good and she would make clothes for my Barbie. She said she would watch out the window for the school bus and put them in a small trash can to hide them. I have a small suitcase with a couple Barbie's with sewn and bought clothes in it also. Such good memories from those days. I enjoyed this puzzle also but no cars when I was little. Only child.
Jan 3, 2021
In Legg Perthes, the ball joint in the hip decalcifies and turns soft and squishy. It looks black instead of white on the Xray. It doesn't usually take 2 years to recalcify but mine did. Probably because I limped around on it for half a year when I was 4 years old because my mother was bust going to doctors to try and find out why my father had headaches and was dizzy. It turned out he died of a brain tumor the size of a goose egg in the center of his brain. They didn't have brain scans in the 1950's so the doctors only found it during the autopsy..My only lasting problem was that the afflicted hip recalcified somewhat crooked with a little lump on the tip leaving that leg 3/4 inch longer than the other. I had to have one shoe built up. The monthly Xrays to see if the bone was healing left my uterus unable to stretch normal because the doctors didn't use anything to block the Xrays then. I got pregnant with no problem but didn't expand much so my first boy was born with club feet and had to have casts on both legs for 4 months (he is fine now), and I had a scheduled C Section for the second. The only problems in school were I could not jump on a trampoline or do the splits because of pain in the hip. It was a hard time but my mother said I took it well and didn't complain much except when I broke my arm and then cried "Why does everything always have to happen to me". Crippled children were not allowed to go to school back then so no kindergarten but I had a home teacher 3 days a week for the first half of first grade. I then could walk again but at first had no balance, I was surprised I forgot how to walk, so pushed a doll buggy with bricks in the bottom under a big doll for a while. Either child walkers had not been invented then or my mother couldn't afford one so we made do. I am now 67 and only have slight arthritis in my hip.
Jan 3, 2021
My mom made a lot of my Barbie clothes, too. My favorite was a wedding dress that she made with leftover fabric from alterations to her own wedding dress.
Jan 3, 2021
How nice that you still have your Barbies and clothes your mother made for them! I remember cutting some doll hair too. The problem was, it didn't grow back!
Jan 3, 2021
I was a first child so until 7 years later an only. My dad wanted a boy and bought me boy toys. I had a submarine, a tugboat, and a cannon that fired with real gunpowder. I guess it started me liking boy things as well as girl stuff.
Jan 4, 2021
Animalvr143, I'm so glad your son is fine and your arthritis only mild. Still, that's a lot you went through. Thank you for sharing your unique experience.
Jan 4, 2021
Pixipixil, I had three brothers so I can relate!
Jan 4, 2021
My Mother made most of my sister and my clothes as we were growing up and she used the scraps of fabric to make clothes for my Barbie doll so we had matching wardrobes. We also had a cannon like that Pixi. Was so much fun, playing with my brothers and their toys. Haven't thought about that for many years.....thanks for jogging my memories everyone. Haven't thought about that for many years. Be safe and well
Jan 7, 2021
You be safe and well, too, darambo.
Dec 30, 2020
This was really a hard one. Had pieces on top of pieces and many colors to work with. Never had cars to play with--guess it was because just my twin sister and me. My mother said "This is the first and this is the last!

There is always a positive choice you can make!
Dec 30, 2020
It's in the 30's and in the 40's this afternoon, and it's rain this morning.

"The beautiful cat and endures and endures.-unknown"

Have a Great Afternoon and Evening to you and all!
Dec 31, 2020
Excellent advice!
Jan 2, 2021
You said had pieces on top of pieces. Do you click on arrows at bottom right to enlarge the screen? Sometimes I forget for awhile and I'm complaining why it is so hard then realize I hadn't enlarged the puzzle and maybe make the pieces smaller.
Jan 3, 2021
I have tried that and am still trying to find that right one! Thanks for asking, beckydent!
Jan 3, 2021
I still have pieces on top of pieces also and I have enlarged the screen. It just takes a lot longer to do a puzzle. Hopefully that will be fixed soon.
Jan 3, 2021
Emma - Crazy4Jigsaws Staff
Jan 3, 2021
Have you tried changing the puzzle piece size in the options menu?
Jan 4, 2021
I have it back to basically how it was before the remake! Thanks.
Dec 31, 2020
This puzzle was really difficult, but it was very fun though.
Dec 31, 2020
Whew! I agree. Challenging but fun.
Dec 31, 2020
This was hard for me. had trouble getting and keeping a focus
Dec 31, 2020
Nice collection
Dec 31, 2020
This was horrible!!!!!! The puzzle was good, but my time was horrific!! I hope the rest of you did better than I did! We got snow dumped on us yesterday and now shoveling is the task of the day. My husband does the snow blowing on the driveway and I do a path and a couple of spots for the dog to pee and do "other" things. I would like to thank all of you who gave me advice and suggestions about my dog. We just looked up the risk of anesthesia for a 12 year old dog, and it is not hopeful. We have a lot to think about and more talks with the vet. Blessings to each and everyone of you lovely people!!
Dec 30, 2020
I liked this puzzle for the colors were beautiful. The bright puzzles always seem to brighten up my morning. Thank you for sharing!