I often think, as we pass a vineyard on our travels, how bucolic the area seems to we passerbys. But let us remember the amount of hard labor that is often required to keep this image up and the wine saleable. And those who make the big money off the harvest and prep are not those who work hard for little and move on...
Lovely. So peaceful.
Hi Sunset. I think this is the first time I ever came in with a shorter time than you. How did that happen?
Sunshine today but the cold has arrived. I will enjoy having the sun through our windows.
Stay warm all.
"There is a wisdom of the head and a wisdom of the heart." Charles Dickens
Hi Sunset. I think this is the first time I ever came in with a shorter time than you. How did that happen?
Sunshine today but the cold has arrived. I will enjoy having the sun through our windows.
Stay warm all.