Clerk: May I help you? Would you like to try on a sweater?
Self: Yes, I would like the third from the bottom in the first stack
---- and the middle one in the middle stack.
Clerk Good luck!
Very colorful wool knitted collection. It took me a while, but I got it. I haven't done a puzzle for a long while now. I forgot the last time I tried to get back in the swing of things here. It's been tough for my wife Jrea73 and myself for a very long time now it seems. My grandmother who raised me from day one went to be with the Lord earlier this year after living a very long life. She had to be put in a care facility after falling. We live out state, but got to see her one last time before she passed away almost a month later. I was her guardian and was finalizing selling of the house we owned and I grew up in out there. It has been so tough, especially this last year. Now I have no parents/grandparents that I can call or they can call me. They're all in Heaven now. My wife and I are comforted by the fact that she is in Heaven with God and family members now. Any way, It's great to be back again and time to catch up on a lot of puzzles too.
I am so sorry for your loss. God Bless you and your loved ones.
Dec 23, 2021
Thank you leia7. This Christmas is different this year because she's gone, but my wife and I are comforted by the fact that she is in Heaven now with family and having the ultimate Christmas. God bless you and your loved ones too.
Feb 28, 2023
Tshepherd24, I'm just reading this now, bless you and Jrea73. Thank you for sharing about yourselves and your dear grandmother. I hope you are doing well, and send you best regards
Interesting puzzle and a warm one. Thanks C4J! I hope all of you have a warm lovely day. I have my second cataract surgery on my left eye this afternoon....and I am sooooo hungry! LOL! It is amazing how much we love food! Have a wonderfully lovely blessed day!
I had cataract surgery last September. What a difference it makes in my vision! (I know that goes without saying but...still..)
Dec 16, 2021
Interesting to hear you both had the surgery -- I'm considering getting cataract surgery done soon too...was there any down time?
Dec 17, 2021
I did not have any down time. I have been volunteering as a bell ringer for Salvation Army and I did my 2 hours today after surgery yesterday.
Dec 17, 2021
I had to wear special 'sunglasses' to rest my eyes for a week or so when I was outside. Before I had the first one done I was a little apprehensive not knowing what to expect. But for the second one no apprehension at all. For both surgeries I had drops to put in my eyes.
Dec 20, 2021
Oh, yes, the drops.....3 different ones for 2 weeks 4 times a day. That would probably be my only minor complaint. And if that is all that I don't particularly like in exchange for seeing soooooo much better....I really have no reason to complain!
Dec 20, 2021
Nhoward, Just read this and then saw you came through it. Good to here.
Dec 20, 2021
Dec 21, 2021
Thanks so much for sharing your cataract experiences! I think my time for the surgery will come soon, there's so much cloudy stuff disrupting my vision. But I'm relieved to hear it went well for both of you. hugs
Dec 23, 2021
Thanks to all of you for would wonderful support. This surgery is the best thing, after finding my husband, that I have ever done!!
7:41pm I really enjoyed working this colorful puzzle..Being night rather than morning, think it took me a lot longer to move the pieces. But keep these colorful jigsaw puzzles coming for they are certainly making my brain work! Thank you.
Self: Yes, I would like the third from the bottom in the first stack
---- and the middle one in the middle stack.
Clerk Good luck!